On 12/5/11 9:39 PM, Lucas Alvarez wrote:
Hi, I have integrated Kamailio with asterisk, is it possible to handle video with kamailio and audio with asterisk? I'm using kamailio 3.2, I could difference a video call using sdpopts module, so before the invite is routed to asterisk kamailio sends it to the phone. But I would like that the video media would be peer to peer and the audio follows the path through asterisk.
it should be possible to do it with some C coding (only in the cofig will require some complex text manipulation of the body). The idea is like: - call comes in, identify the media stream for video and store it in shared memory (e.g., in a htable) indexed by some unique id (like call-id and eventually the from tag) - you can remove the video stream and send the call to asterisk - if you generated some unique id, add it as header - in asterisk send the call back to kamailio, mirroring the header with the unique id - add the media stream for video back to sdp - do the same for replies
it may be an option to code in asterisk, something to ignore media stream for video, so that it keeps that stream in both legs of the call
Cheers, Daniel