Sorry for the late reply; things have just been way hectic and haven't had time to circle back around on this.
Klaus, what would be the best way to call force_rtp_proxy() in the reply_route section? As mentioned prior, I don't want to handle the audio for all calls. Do I need to set a flag or something? I have rtpproxy installed and kamailio sees it (via the sock). I am doing the force_rtp_propxy in the 302 statement...
What is occuring now is the call goes back out to the PSTN but there is no audio....
Any guidance is much appreciated.
On 10/28/08 4:20 AM, "Klaus Darilion" wrote:
Note: There are 2 RTP proxies for Kamailio: for Kamailio <= 1.3: rtpproxy (controlled via nathelper module) and mediaproxy (controlled via mediaproxy module)
for Kamailio >= 1.4: rtpproxy (controlled via nathelper module) and mediaproxy2 (controlled via mediaproxy module)
mediaproxy2 is a Linux kernel module and I think you can not record with it. AFAIK rtpproxy supports recording of sessions.
3xx can be caught in failure_route.
There you execute get_redirects("*"); the force_rtpproxy and then t_relay. Further make sure that force_rtp_proxy() is also called for the 200 OK response (reply route) and furter in-dialog requests.
regards Klaus
Graham Wooden schrieb:
Hi list, I currently don¹t proxy audio nor have any plans to for all calls, except for the "302 Redirect", where I need kamailio to become a b2bua with RTPproxy (or for the record CALEA).
However, I can¹t seem to get the ³if² statement down on where ³engage_media_proxy² gets called without doing it for all outbound calls. What is the best way to identify a call that was from a SIP client that issued a 302?
My last effort was: if ( uri == mysqlf && is_method("INVITE") ){
But that seemed to get every call. Any guidance would be appreciated, thanks.
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