Aliases in SER are very simple. When you call lookup("aliases"), it simply replaces the matched username with whatever is in the alias. If you want an alias to result in a call to PSTN, just do the lookup before your PSTN call matching logic in ser.cfg, and have the alias entry produce something which matches your PSTN call matchign logic. Like, if you want 8910 to call 5511xxxxxx, just have an alias for "8910" -> "sip:5511xxxxxx@domain", and make sure theres logic to route that particular URI to PSTN after the alias lookup.
Fábio Silvestri wrote:
Ok, but down't work!
I have change the db_mode to 1 to immediately change sql db after use serctl, I can see the alias on tables aliases, but when a dial a number when the ser must to forward do username they forward to pstn...
Jan Janak wrote:
To ser.cfg yes, then you have to create the alias using serctl utility.
On 14-01 18:46, Fábio Silvestri wrote:
Hi ser users,
I'm trying to dialling to a aliases for username, I want do alias the username 8910 with pstn number 5511xxxxxxxx.
I have put a 'lookup("aliases");', does this is the only change I have to do on ser.cfg ?