Hi Daniel,
by using the following code in the failure_route block, i am able to have a better accounting record for billing. However, i am having one way audio problem which i believe it is related to NAT. I have tested forward a call on a UA which is on public ip, which works prefectly. However, when i tested it with UA which is behind NAT, one way audio happen when the UA send 302 reply to forward a call..
failure_route[1] { end_media_session(); # Handle 302 Redirects if (t_check_status("302")) { get_redirects("*"); t_relay(); }; }
Anyone has an idea on how i can fix this?
Regards, Howard
On 1/9/07, Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel@voice-system.ro wrote:
when the call A -> B is forwarded to C, then you need to have in your script:
avp_write("A", "$avp(i:110)"); avp_write("B", "$avp(i:111)"); avp_write("B", "$avp(i:110)"); avp_write("C", "$avp(i:111)");
A, B, C are the SIP addresses of the parties involved in this call.
Cheers, Daniel
On 01/08/07 23:14, Howard Tang wrote:
Did anyone successfully setup call accounting for call forward? I have been searching for a working example for few days on google, I still couldn't find any working example.
The config I have at the moment is
modparam("acc", "multi_leg_enabled", 1) modparam("acc", "src_leg_avp_id", 110) modparam("acc", "dst_leg_avp_id", 111)
In the main route, if (!method=="REGISTER" && !method=="NOTIFY") { avp_write("$from/username", "$avp(i:110)"); avp_write("$ruri/username", "$avp(i:111)"); };
Let say A call B and B forward call to C, the record in the acc table is all A to C without B in any one of the record for billing purpose. The Call forward was set on the UA.
Can anyone give me a hand on this please?