2010/10/20 Jon Bonilla manwe@aholab.ehu.es:
El Wed, 20 Oct 2010 13:11:22 +0200 Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc@aliax.net escribió:
"Integrating" XMPP into SIP is a workaround IMHO, but the fact that some work is being done in this area confirms the failure of SIMPLE. IMHO it's better to define a new specification for presence in SIP *from scratch* forgetting all about SIMPLE (all means all).
Anyways, integrating such new specification with xmpp with extensions, gws or whatever method is a win-win strategy.
IMHO it's a surrender. XMPP is doing nothing (at protocol/specifications level) to "integrate" with SIP. Istead they are developing VoIP features from scratch.