afaik, the pua_reginfo is for publishing details of location records to another sip server node, main purpose being location replication. I don't think it is something for an end UA.
If you want publishing online/offline states for an user based on its registration state, look at pua_usrloc module.
On 12/02/15 15:17, Stefan Ljung wrote:
I made a test configuration for trying the pua_regEvent module.
There were two things I want to ask about.
First – when the SUBSCRIBE to event ‘reg’ following a UEs registration to the Kamailio is responded with a NOTIFY – there was no body in the NOTIFY. I expected a XML body with registration status.
Second – When the UE re-registers to Kamailio – I expected a NOTIFY to be send on the existing ‘reg’ subscription, but nothing happened.
Or am I missing some configuration ?
Here’s some of the conf script:
modparam("pua_reginfo", "publish_reginfo", 0)
Btw, with the above parameter value, the module is no longer sending PUBLISH requests, in other words, it is not informing the other peers that there is some update to location records.
Cheers, Daniel