On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
At 12:07 PM 2/18/2003, Tomas Björklund wrote:
.1. Logging funktionality
I'm used to being able to log more detail than what I can get out ser. I'm problably missing something in the documentation, but what I want is something like the following
We would like to have that too. We've been thinking of log("hello world: method=%m, src_ip=%s"). Unfortunately, it will not show up in the upcoming release, since we are simply too busy with making too many other changes. I would wish to have it in the overnext release.
Maybe I can help, I'll take a look at the source over the weekend.
.2. Rewrite rules
Is it possible to rewrite the from uri? For example when I [sip:tomas@krixor.xy.org] want to call a pstn number I must rewrite the from address to [sip:myphonenumber@krixor.xy.org] before I send the request to the pstn gateway
That is quite tricky -- it is close to protocol breaking. The From header field has been designed read-only in SIP. Nevertheless, this application has been already asked for. I wrote a short text on how to do that for those who wish to do so. http://cvs.berlios.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ser/sip_router/doc/tmemo/tmemo-jir...
Great. I don't think that you should break the protol, but in this case it really doesn't matter cause I'm the only one receiving the request :)
I haven't looked at the source in the CVS yet, but I aim to do so soon, I saw in the list archive that you have lots of nice new features planned for the next release. ENUM support is one of the better ones :)
ENUM is on CVS, if you have courage to play with CVS code and problems occur we will be glad to help :-)
I tried to install the cvs version and first off it failed to compile due to pass_fd.c (support for TCP) so after disabling -DUSE_TCP in the makefile it compiled ok, but when I start it I get the following error:
krixor:/usr/local/ser/sbin# ./ser -P /var/run/ser.pid -E /usr/libexec/ld.so: Undefined symbol "_realm_column" in ser:/usr/local/ser/lib/ser/modules/auth.so
This is on a OpenBSD 3.1 with gcc version 2.95.3
Also, It's pretty annoying that 'gmake install' overwrites the configuration file all the time :)
Index: Makefile =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/ser/sip_router/Makefile,v retrieving revision 1.98 diff -u -3 -r1.98 Makefile --- Makefile 2003/01/16 00:27:10 1.98 +++ Makefile 2003/02/18 20:20:55 @@ -158,8 +158,8 @@
install-cfg: $(cfg-prefix)/$(cfg-dir) sed -e "s#/usr/lib/ser/modules/#$(modules-target)#g" \ - < etc/ser.cfg > $(cfg-prefix)/$(cfg-dir)ser.cfg - chmod 644 $(cfg-prefix)/$(cfg-dir)ser.cfg + < etc/ser.cfg > $(cfg-prefix)/$(cfg-dir)default.cfg + chmod 644 $(cfg-prefix)/$(cfg-dir)default.cfg # $(INSTALL-CFG) etc/ser.cfg $(cfg-prefix)/$(cfg-dir)
/ Tomas