in ur remote xlite, right click on the grey background and look at diagnostics, and see what the response SER sent back.
On your ser proxy start ser in full debugging mode
/ser/ -ddddddd -E /path/to/ser.cfg 2> output.dump
This will output the debug to file.
then just run
tail -f output.dump on the file and see what scrolls past, this is NOT the best way but a quick way, if you have time install ngrep and use that to see what you SER server is sending back
On 2/18/2005, "ST Ooi" wrote:
I am very new to SER, I got a copy of SER installed on Fedora Core 3 Pentium IV 1.6 PC, firewall disabled. No MySQL support yet.
I tried to call another user which is running XTen Light software on LAN environment, it works. However, when I try to login the SER from remote site, it does not allow me to login with login timeout error. I have also open my broadband router port 5060, UDP and TCP.
What am I missing?
ST Ooi
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