On 9/15/10 5:44 PM, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2010/9/15 Juha Heinanenjh@tutpro.com:
Iñaki Baz Castillo writes:
I retrieve the value of an integer column in a MySQL table. In this case the value is NULL. I store the result in a $var:
$var(client_max_calls) = $dbr(client=>[0,0]);
But the stored value is "" (empty string) rather than 0. Isn't a bit confussing?
yes, it is.
have you tried what happens if you explicitly convert the rhs value to (int)?
the config does not have the concept of pointers, so $null is pretty much particular to each PV class: - it is like 'not defined' for those PV that can be completely removed from the config space. For example, AVPs are are a list of (name, value) pairs. When you remove one pair, it is gone from config. You can say they are dynamic named variables. - it is like 'default value' for those PVs that cannot be completely removed from config space. For exampe, $var(x) is resolved to a memory address structure at startup (for fast access) and cannot be removed (otherwise the C pointer will be lost). So assigning $null resets it to default, which is integer 0. You can say they are static named variables
Cheers, Daniel