Le 10/04/2012 14:19, Daniel-Constantin Mierla a écrit :
from ngrep, if 00900223 is same as 900223, then it is
the incoming
call that has caller==callee. This is before the call gets to SIP
server, so it has nothing to do with SIP server itself, no matter it
does rtpproxy or not.
thanks Daniel,
Sorry I make mistake, I was calling the same UAC which called, even if I
am a newbie, this error is very ridiculous
I restest, 900123 call 00900223, the result is in attached file "ngrep
not working"
And yes, 900223 and 00900223 are the same SIP account, I add 00 before
the destination when I dial because with only 900223, I couldn't debit
balance when I installed callcontrol and cdrtool, to make it works I
insert in dbaliases table of kamailio database the following lines:
mysql> use kamailio_db
Database changed
mysql> select * from dbaliases;
| id | alias_username | alias_domain | username | domain |
| 1 | 00900223 | | 900223 |
sip.malagasy.com |
| 2 | 00900123 | | 900123 |
sip.malagasy.com |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
and just with kamailio+cdrtool+callconrol enabled and with this
configuration in mysql table, I can debit balance for SIP account which
is prepaid but maybe it's not the right method too, I'll re-check the
documentation of cdrtool/callcontrol
So, I change the values of alias user_name column to be like in
username column, I enable in kamailio conf all the WITH_NAT directive so
I enable the use of rtpproxy too, I restart kamailio, make a test call
and still not working, from ngrep (in attached file) I see not enough
credit but in my tables of cdrtool's database I still have this:
mysql> select * from prepaid;
| id | reseller_id | account | balance |
change_date | active_sessions | session_counter | max_sessions |
| 1 | 0 | 900223(a)sip.malagasy.com | 1900.8635 | 2012-04-10
09:51:24 | [] | 0 | 1 |
| 2 | 0 | 900123(a)sip.malagasy.com | 100.9790 | 2012-04-10
16:28:16 | [] | 0 | 1 |
mysql> select * from billing_rates;
| id | reseller_id | name | destination | application | connectCost |
durationRate | connectCostIn | durationRateIn |
| 1 | 0 | 4G | 900 | audio | 0 | 1
| | |
Last, I re-do an update at table dbaliases and for alias_username column
I re-put 00, in kamailio configuration file I commented out the
following lines:
##!define WITH_NAT
if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE"))
route[RELAY] {
if (is_method("INVITE|SUBSCRIBE")) {
#onreply_route[1] {
# if (status=~"[12][0-9][0-9]")
# #force_rtp_proxy();
# rtpproxy_offer();
I don't kill rtpproxy process, I restart kamailio, make a test call, and
it works again, so I don't know what to do to have rtpproxy works
Rabary Teddy
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