El Lunes, 3 de Noviembre de 2008, ALAEDDINE abbech escribió:
thanks, i will use the RFC 3325 but i don't know a soft phone supported this RFC.
You should read that RFC since it doesn't involve final phones but proxies and gateways.
please if you know one give me its name ou a link to download it.
The tipicall scenario is:
- A phone sends an INVITE. The "From" is "bob". - The proxy authenticates the INVITE. - Before forwarding the INVITE to the PSTN gateway, the proxy adds a P-Asserted-Identity header containing the asserted identity, that could be a PSTN number as callerID or any other username, examples: - P-Asserted-Identity: sip:+12345678@domain.org - P-Asserted-Identity: tel:+12345678 - P-Asserted-Identity: sip:bob.home@domain.org - When any other node in the network that trusts this proxy receives this INVITE from it, it trusts the PAI header and uses it as a callerid.