On 9/22/10 10:38 PM, IƱaki Baz Castillo wrote:
2010/9/22 Daniel-Constantin Mierlamiconda@gmail.com:
Yes, using pcre_math is good when we need to perform a regular expression against a PV (which is not possible using "=~"). For example I use it to check if the RURI username matches a prefix extracted from a database:
if ! pcre_match("$rU", "^$var(client_prefix_in)") {
This works because the regular expression is compiled in runtime.
This would not be possible with "=~":
if ! $rU =~ "^$var(client_prefix_in)") {
It fails because the regular expression is compiled when parsing the config script.
have you tried like next?
$var(re) = "^" + $var(client_prefix_in);
if(!$rU =~ $var(re)) {
Yes, I tryed that (hope I'm not wrong) and it also didn't do the job. Perhaps it should work?
I expect so, but I haven't tried with 3.x -- iirc, I added it in openser some time ago (or maybe I only wanted to :-) ?!?!) -- i have to test it.
Thanks, Daniel