I just configured the presence modul and got some strange output in my shell when my xlite phone trys to subscribe to a non existant user:
0(16615) ERROR: warning_builder: buffer size exceeded 0(16615) WARNING: warning skipped -- too big 0(16615) ERROR: warning_builder: buffer size exceeded 0(16615) WARNING: warning skipped -- too big 0(16615) ERROR: warning_builder: buffer size exceeded 0(16615) WARNING: warning skipped -- too big 0(16615) PRESENCE: get_subs_dialog:The query for subscribtion for [user]= sebastian.bruening%40googlemail.comtalk.v104112f54d0,[domain]= sip0.en.ewetel.de for [event]= presence.winfo returned no result 0(16615) PRESENCE:query_db_notify: Could not get subs_dialog from database 0(16615) PRESENCE:update_subscribtion:Could not send notify for presence.winfo 0(16615) PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=sebastian.bruening%40googlemail.comtalk.v104112f54d0 , domain=sip0.en.ewetel.de returned no result
any ideas what this mean? I use latest version of openser (1.2.0).
regards Helmut