So far I was using Kamailio in "stateless" mode to handle SIP INVITE requests and reply with 302.
I am now trying to use module http_async_client module, but I'm experiencing unexpected behavior with "branches". I'm using function http_async_query as described in the example:
When the transaction is resumed, I'm building and sending the reply, using "append_branch" and "sl_send_reply": https://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/modules/sl.html#sl.f.sl_send_reply
For example:
append_branch("..."); sl_send_reply("302", "Moved Temporarily");
This works, however when I'm sending new client SIP INVITE requests to Kamailio, it seems it will always reuse the previous transaction. The new branches are appended to the branches of the first transaction. I end up with errors "ERROR: <core> [core/dset.c:424]: append_branch(): max nr of branches exceeded" when the limit (12) is exceeded.
I do not understand why this happens. This is a new SIP INVITE message, it should not be linked to the previous transaction ?
I tried a few things: - remove the transaction using "t_release();" - configure: modparam("tm", "wt_timer", 0)
This did not help...
How can I solve this ?
Thanks for your help.
Regards, Nicolas.
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