Hi Jiri,
Do you do that per user on the ser.cfg file? Or can one entry work for an entire domain? Can you share your config example at iptel.org? I would not want to have entries for many users in the ser.cfg file.
Thanks, Ricardo Villa
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jiri Kuthan" jiri@iptel.org To: "Ricardo Villa" ricvil@epm.net.co; serusers@lists.iptel.org Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 1:51 PM Subject: Re: [Serusers] Voicemail Redirect
At 07:49 PM 6/2/2003, Ricardo Villa wrote:
It would be very useful if we could assign a SIP address for voicemail
redirect on an individual basis. For example if I call somebody and they are not registered, or the number is busy, then an entry in the subscriber table could point to the voicemail SIP address so the caller could at least leave a message. Does somebody else think this would be a good feature to have?
I think too that would be nice.
How are people handling Voicemail with SER today?
We forward to other host. E.g., if jiri@iptel.org is off-line or
fails, we try again at jiri@voicemail.iptel.org -- no individualized
but fair enough for the voicemail case.