I'm using OpenSER to connect to a Nortel CS1000M, and I'm having some problems.
The way the Nortel works is that it has what they call a Network Routing Service (redirect server, really), that issues either a 302 (if a single SIP gateway exists on the CS1000) or a 300 (if multiple).
Here's a sample 300 from my system (IPs and domains changed to protect the guilty):
U -> SIP/2.0 300 Multiple Choices. Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKa66e.99fc1a25.1;received= Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7d42804867A25509. From: "0004f2145263" sip:0004f2145263@dtw-openser01.sub.domain.com;tag=5F7CDD45-DDCE1F92. To: sip:12345@dtw-openser01.sub.domain.com;user=phone;tag=34887. Call-ID: 58dd5646-e86d140f-c2ead634@ CSeq: 1 INVITE. Contact: sip:12345;phone-context=udp@domain.com:5060;maddr=;transport=ud p;x-nt-redirect=redirect-server;x-nt-redirect=redirect-server. Contact: sip:12345;phone-context=udp@domain.com:5060;maddr=;transport=tc p;x-nt-redirect=redirect-server;x-nt-redirect=redirect-server. Content-Length: 0.
The problem I have is that the Contacts have an maddr, and I need relay to it. However, I can't seem to be able to use transformations to get the maddr for relaying. Here are some log messages with comments inline:
Jul 16 19:50:49 dtw-openser01 /usr/local/sbin/openser[4306]: Branches are: sip:12345;phone-context=udp@domain.com:5060;maddr=;transport=ud p;x-nt-redirect=redirect-server;q=0.01
This is just an xlog of $bR, but I'm not sure where the q= value is coming from (get_redirects?).
Jul 16 19:50:49 dtw-openser01 /usr/local/sbin/openser[4306]: ERROR: parse_uri: bad uri, state 0 parsed: <<sip> (4) / <sip:12345;phone-context=udp@domain.com:5060;maddr=;transport=u dp;x-nt-redirect=redirect-server;q=0.01> (120) Jul 16 19:50:49 dtw-openser01 /usr/local/sbin/openser[4306]: tr_eval_uri: invalid uri [sip:12345;phone-context=udp@domain.com:5060;maddr=;transport=u dp;x-nt-redirect=redirect-server;q=0.01]
These are what I get as a result of trying to xlog $(bR{uri.maddr})
Anyway, I would be greatly appreciative of any help someone might offer on the matter.
Regards, - Brad
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