Hi I have two questions. 1. Receiver@ and Receiver@ register with ser. Client sends an INVITE to ser for Receiver. ser forks these INVITES in parallel to both Receiver@ and Receiver@ As both Receivers are online, they both reply with 200 OK. SER then relays BOTH 200 OK's back to the Client. My question: Shouldn't SER send CANCEL to one of them, and relay only ONE 200 OK back to the client? How would I do this? It is not the client's responsibility to send a CANCEL to the SER to relay to one of the receivers, is this correct?
2. When I have tls_verify_client = 1 tls_require_client_certificate = 1
in my cfg file, ser still accepts tcp and udp connections, despite tls_require_client_certificate=1. I did a search, and found this way:
if (proto != TLS) { sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden"); exit; };
However SER is really still listening on UDP and TCP port 5060. Is there a way to configure SER such that it only listens and acknowledges TLS connections?
Thanks Andrew