yup! ATA are behind a NAT! And solve this problem setting NATIP on ATA config with valid ip of my dsl modem!
Jan Janak wrote:
Are the ATAs behind NAT ? If so then you would probably have to use the nathelper module and configure your ser to traverse the NAT.
On 07-01 15:03, Fábio Silvestri wrote:
Thanks by your reply!
I'm already try this:
if (uri=~"^sip:*destination partern*") { log(1, ">==> going to pstn"); prefix("999"); t_relay_to_udp( "*cisco ipaddr*", "5060"); break; }
Can dial out, but I cant hear anything on my phone, including the ring signal! Well, my ata196 are inside a dsl line...
Alan Crosswell wrote:
Try this:
/* ********** Dial out to PSTN logic ************* */
# 5 Digit dialing, interior calls if (uri=~"^sip:[1347][0-9]{4}@columbia\.edu") { rewritehostport(""); log(1,"5 digit expression match"); route(2); break; }; # 10 Digit dialing with outlide line if (uri=~"^sip:931[0-9]{10}@columbia\.edu") { if(!(src_ip=="") & !(proxy_authorize("columbia.edu","subscriber"))) { proxy_challenge("columbia.edu", "1"); break; } else { rewritehostport(""); log(1," 93 Outside line with 10 digit expression
match"); route(2); break; };
Fábio Silvestri wrote:
I'm trying to setup SER to forward calls to a cisco pstn (AS53xx), and have some dificults.
Well, I'm get confused about Ser configs to do this, so maibe somebody can help-me!
I have some clients, using Cisco ATA-186 trying to logging on my Ser server, and I want to forward the calls to our PSTN, across dial plan.
Now I have a Ser working and registering clients (I think), but I can't do Ser to interact with Cisco,
How can I do configure the ser.cfg, maibe someone ser.cfg with samples will be helpful.
-- |o |o A probabilidade de sobreviv?ncia é inversamente proporcional ao |o ângulo de aproximaç?o. |o |o Fabio Silvestri |o fabio@informatec.com.br |o ICQ: 1667351 |o
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