dear all, i have some problems with the sip ser server.
* i've tried to register to the public server with an instant messaging client (jain-sip client) and it works. but when sending a message to another client registred with the same server i've the 202 response (accepted for later delivery) instead of 200 ok response. the real problem is when using the web interface of the server for instant messaging to send a message to my jain-sip client i had a 404 rsponse (not found).
* i used another client to register with the server. it was the sip-communicator for multimedia communications. it comes to register with the proxy correctly. but when i dial up a number (sip address) to contact another client and invite him to share a session and i have the same response 404 not found.
* i've tried to install the ser server on my machine and to use it as a local server. when sending a register request to this server it loops back on itself (by adding the via header field corresponding to its sip address) and it generate a response : to many hops 483.
could someone help me to resolve one of these problems at least...
thanks for all.
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