root@ubuntutest:/kamailio# kamctl fifo which
500 command 'which' not available
From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla [] Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 2:55 PM To: Denis Putyato Cc: Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] LCR module in Kamailio 3.0
On 1/26/10 12:35 PM, Denis Putyato wrote:
I do not use lcr routing in config (only gw table is used).
Not in kamailio 1.5 nor 3.0. I use carrierroute (in 1.5) and now drouting (in 3.0).
By the way. Recently you helped me with drouting. Can I ask one more question about this module?
When I try to do "kamctl fifo dr_reload" I receive "500 command 'dr_reload' not available".
kamctl fifo which
Should list available MI commands, is dr_reload there?
Cheers, Daniel
From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla [] Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:43 PM To: Denis Putyato Cc: Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] LCR module in Kamailio 3.0
On 1/26/10 10:38 AM, Denis Putyato wrote:
Daniel thank you. Now it's working
welcome! Be sure you understand the idea behind the instances. Not being a user of lcr don't know exactly the internal architecture, so as I understood from discussions on mailing lists, you can have more lcr instance on same kamailio grouped under same value of lcr_id (many gws and lcr rules with same lcr_id).
Cheers, Daniel
From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla [] Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:31 PM To: Denis Putyato Cc: Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] LCR module in Kamailio 3.0
On 1/26/10 7:33 AM, Denis Putyato wrote:
Hello everybody!
I have a such problem with LCR module
When I add a new gw in gw table via kamctl addgw or direct via mysql command, never mind, after doing lcr reload, in memory loaded only gw with lcr_id = 1.
All other gateways, with lcr_id > 1, not loaded into memory, so I cannot use them.
(After lcr reload I do lcr dump and only gateways whis lcr_id = 1 can be seen)
Thank you for any help.
P.S. lcr table, where lcr_id is present too, is empty. It does not need for processing in my kamailio. Only gw table is used.
Kamailio 3.0 was installed from GIT.
maybe is related to lcr_count parameter:
AFAIK, there were some changes in lcr by adding instances, which are hold in lcr_id (gws to same instance have same id).
Cheers, Daniel