Thanks Anca,
So, I have a another question : My privacy rules arrived to the openxcap server and store into the table "xcap". But I have a problem with the availibility of users. When 2 users are connected and registered, they always appear "offline" for each other.
It's a problem to my configuration of openser ?
Thanks Thomas
2008/4/22, Anca Vamanu
Hi Thomas,
'ua-profile' is not supported in openser. There is no way to activate it, other that implementing it of course :) . The event, however, is not related to presence and this will not affect presence at all.
regards, Anca Vamanu
piff62 piff62 wrote:
Hello everybody,
I work on a IMS prototype architecture.
I have install a openser 1.3.1 and openxcap 0.9.9. http://0.9.9. I try to use openser with the XCAP server openxcap.
I have follow the instruction on the openxcap homepage but I have already many problems.
I have the error message : Apr 22 17:25:38 [12220] ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: Missing or unsupported event header field value Apr 22 17:25:38 [12220] ERROR:presence:handle_subscribe: event= ua-profile Apr 22 17:25:38 [12220] ERROR:tm:t_newtran: transaction already in process 0xb5a073b0
I think i have errors in my config file openser.cfg but i can't found where.
I understand that my openser don't support le event ua-profile but i can't found how to support it ?
I precise that i have configured my eyebeam with :
Someone can help me please ?
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