- As Asterisk detects the "spiral" and handles it internally, there is
nothing you can do in Kamailio.
That's bad. So I have to do the diversion check at two places ...
- Just a warning: In general, Remote-Party-ID is used for CLI
indication, not for billing purposes. In your setup it might be possibly to use RPID for billing to, but it would be better to use the proper headers, like the obsolete (as you are using RPID I suspect you like obsolete headers ;-) Diversion header, or the History-Info header. (another warning: make sure that your system ignores/removes these headers when sent by your customers - otherwise they can fool your billing system and signal arbitrary CLIs)
Thanks for the info. What are the headers which should be used for CLI, the not obsolete ones ? ;-)
- You can for example easily bypass the problem by making the DB lookup
also in Asterisk. Use e.g. func_odbc to query your call-forwarding table from within Asterisk, set the CDR(whatever) variables to fulfill you billing requirements, and then send the call to the PSTN again.
Ok. That's what I have to do.
Thanks for your help,
Ciao, Florian