Have you found the way to run SELECT COUNT(*) ? I use kamailio 3.2.4 with sqlite 3.7.5-1 and it crashes on such queries too.
As a workaround I use $dbr(res=>rows) with "SELECT some_field FROM table" query, but the bug is really exists.
Hello Timo,
We've done a basic test and it seems to solve the memory leak problem. We'll do exhaustive tests in a few days.
We'll keep you informed.
Thanks a lot, Pedro
De: Timo Teras timo.teras@iki.fi Para: "SIP Router - Kamailio (OpenSER) and SIP Express Router (SER) - Users Mailing List" sr-users@lists.sip-router.org cc: pvsolano@amper.es Fecha: 15/10/2012 16:13 Asunto: Re: [SR-Users] db_sqlite bugs Enviado por: Timo Teräs timo.teras@gmail.com
On Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:37:23 +0200 Pedro Antonio Vico Solano pvsolano@amper.es wrote:
Hello everyone,
We are developing a solution based on the SQLite module for Kamailio and we've found some bugs/errors regarding it. We use kamailio 3.2.4 and SQLite The errors are about this:
- Memory leaks on querys via sqlops. Kamailio main process leaks 4kB
each 3 queries (aprox.) and that memory is never freed. [Attached basic example]
- Segmentation fault when doing a SELECT COUNT(*) via sqlops.
[Attached basic example 2]
Can you help us?
Does this help for the memory leak?
diff --git a/modules_k/db_sqlite/dbase.c b/modules_k/db_sqlite/dbase.c index 0b32e07..c1d3b71 100644 --- a/modules_k/db_sqlite/dbase.c +++ b/modules_k/db_sqlite/dbase.c @@ -543,7 +543,12 @@ int db_sqlite_update(const db1_con_t* _h, const db_key_t* _k, const db_op_t* _o,
int db_sqlite_raw_query(const db1_con_t* _h, const str* _s, db1_res_t** _r) {
return db_do_raw_query(_h, _s, _r,
int rc;
rc = db_do_raw_query(_h, _s, _r, db_sqlite_submit_query, db_sqlite_store_result);
return rc;
Seems that all other database driver postpone the resource release to free_results - but there's no reason why we couldn't do this right away in sqlite. Since in sqlite free_results we just free cached result set.
Will take a look at the other bug later when I get the time to reproduce it.
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