Hi Daniel, Yes, all patches are related to the PUA module. Please find the attachments for both diff files and new files with applied patches If you thinks they are useful. Now the old files should be the latest version of the master branch ;-) Unfortunately I can not use git here. We have tested the patches, now no memory leak any more; and no more error for NOTIFY (dialog not found)...Please note, our use case is the pua_xmpp, now it works fine. I don't know if rls has the same problem. Thank you veru much for your helps again.
Some explanations:
In the send_subscribe.c, - I just comment out the line 1172 so that the pua_free_tm_dlg(td) do the right job later as you done also in this case.
In the hash.c, - in the get_dialog function, I add the check of "p->to_tag.len > 0" in the string compare conditions;
- in the is_dialog function, instead of check only the real dialog, the check of also the temporary dialog is added, this also helps to avoid the error of no dialog found for the NOTIFY if the NOTIFY is received before the 202/200 OK of the SUBSCRIBE.
in the pua.c, - a few changes in the update_pua function: - apply the same kind of free td and td->route_set, unfortunately I can not re-use pua_free_tm_dlg which is local for send_subscribe.c. - change from goto error to goto done
Best Regards, Laura
On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com wrote:
On 12/27/11 1:51 PM, laura testi wrote:
Hi Daniel, I tried the patch, it works partially. There are stil memory leak. Based on your patch, I did find different places need the same kind of patch both in send_subscribe,c and in pua,c
ok, thanks, I will look over. But how did you do the patches, since it does not take my latest patch, seems to be against an older version, because the indentation is not there?
I cannot apply it like this, maybe you can tell the files and lines you changed, otherwise is hard to track.
Are both patches to the pua module? You are doing the patch with files only, it is more convenient to call the diff with path to the module, in this way is easy to spot in which module to apply the path -- i.e., use diff from root folder of kamailio, like:
diff -u modules/abc/oldfile modules/abc/newfile
Since you are sending a lot of patches, maybe it will work better if you just clone the git, make the patch against the master branch -- change the file in the master branch and then just do:
git diff > path/to/save/patch.file
Some info that could be useful for working with git and patches, including backporting, at:
Cheers, Daniel
Please find the modified version of these files.
Following are the differences: # diff -u send_subscribe.c.orig send_subscribe.c --- send_subscribe.c.orig 2011-12-27 13:31:06.000000000 +0100 +++ send_subscribe.c 2011-12-27 13:31:51.000000000 +0100 @@ -1151,7 +1151,6 @@ if (dbmode!=PUA_DB_ONLY)
lock_release(&HashT->p_records[hash_code].lock); ret= -1;
pkg_free(td); goto done; } if (dbmode!=PUA_DB_ONLY)
# diff -u pua.c.orig pua.c --- pua.c.orig 2011-12-27 13:15:47.000000000 +0100 +++ pua.c 2011-12-27 13:26:33.000000000 +0100 @@ -673,106 +673,145 @@
int update_pua(ua_pres_t* p) {
str* str_hdr= NULL;
int expires;
int result;
uac_req_t uac_r;
if(p->desired_expires== 0)
expires= 3600;
expires= p->desired_expires- (int)time(NULL);
- str* str_hdr= NULL;
- ua_pres_t* cb_param = NULL;
if(p->watcher_uri== NULL)
str met= {"PUBLISH", 7};
ua_pres_t* cb_param;
str_hdr = publ_build_hdr(expires, get_event(p->event), NULL,
&p->etag, p->extra_headers, 0);
if(str_hdr == NULL)
LM_ERR("while building extra_headers\n");
goto error;
LM_DBG("str_hdr:\n%.*s\n ", str_hdr->len, str_hdr->s);
cb_param= build_uppubl_cbparam(p);
if(cb_param== NULL)
LM_ERR("while constructing publ callback param\n");
goto error;
set_uac_req(&uac_r, &met, str_hdr, 0, 0,
publ_cback_func, (void*)cb_param);
result= tmb.t_request(&uac_r,
p->pres_uri, /* Request-URI */
p->pres_uri, /* To */
p->pres_uri, /* From */
&outbound_proxy /* Outbound proxy*/
if(result< 0)
LM_ERR("in t_request function\n");
goto error;
str met= {"SUBSCRIBE", 9};
dlg_t* td= NULL;
ua_pres_t* cb_param= NULL;
td= pua_build_dlg_t(p);
if(td== NULL)
LM_ERR("while building tm dlg_t structure");
goto error;
str_hdr= subs_build_hdr(&p->contact,
if(str_hdr== NULL || str_hdr->s== NULL)
LM_ERR("while building extra headers\n");
return -1;
cb_param= subs_cbparam_indlg(p, expires, REQ_ME);
if(cb_param== NULL)
LM_ERR("while constructing subs callback param\n");
goto error;
set_uac_req(&uac_r, &met, str_hdr, 0, td,
subs_cback_func, (void*)cb_param);
result= tmb.t_request_within(&uac_r);
if(result< 0)
LM_ERR("in t_request function\n");
goto error;
td= NULL;
return 0;
return -1;
- int expires;
- int result = 0;
- uac_req_t uac_r;
- str met = {NULL, 0};
- int ret_code = 0;
- dlg_t* td = NULL;
- if(p->desired_expires== 0)
- expires= default_expires;
- else
- expires= p->desired_expires- (int)time(NULL);
- if(p->watcher_uri== NULL)
- {
- str_hdr = publ_build_hdr(expires, get_event(p->event), NULL,
&p->etag, p->extra_headers, 0);
- if(str_hdr == NULL)
- {
LM_ERR("while building extra_headers\n");
ret_code = -1;
goto done;
- }
- LM_DBG("str_hdr:\n%.*s\n ", str_hdr->len, str_hdr->s);
- cb_param= build_uppubl_cbparam(p);
- if(cb_param== NULL)
- {
LM_ERR("while constructing publ callback param\n");
ret_code = -1;
goto done;
- }
- met.s = (char*)pkg_malloc(8*sizeof(char));
- if(met.s == NULL) {
LM_ERR("no memory for met.s(PUBLISH)\n");
ret_code = -1;
goto done;
- }
- memset(met.s, 0, 8);
- memcpy(met.s, "PUBLISH", 7);
- met.len = 7;
- set_uac_req(&uac_r, &met, str_hdr, 0, 0, TMCB_LOCAL_COMPLETED,
publ_cback_func, (void*)cb_param);
- result= tmb.t_request(&uac_r,
p->pres_uri, /* Request-URI */
p->pres_uri, /* To */
p->pres_uri, /* From */
&outbound_proxy /* Outbound proxy*/
- if(result< 0)
- {
LM_ERR("in t_request function\n");
cb_param = NULL;
ret_code = -1;
goto done;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- td= pua_build_dlg_t(p);
- if(td== NULL)
- {
LM_ERR("while building tm dlg_t structure");
ret_code = -1;
goto done;
- };
- str_hdr= subs_build_hdr(&p->contact,
- if(str_hdr== NULL || str_hdr->s== NULL)
- {
LM_ERR("while building extra headers\n");
ret_code = -1;
goto done;
- }
- cb_param= subs_cbparam_indlg(p, expires, REQ_ME);
- if(cb_param== NULL)
- {
LM_ERR("while constructing subs callback param\n");
ret_code = -1;
goto done;
- }
- met.s = (char*)pkg_malloc(10*sizeof(char));
- if(met.s == NULL) {
LM_ERR("no memory for met.s(SUBSCRIBE)\n");
ret_code = -1;
goto done;
- }
- memset(met.s, 0, 10);
- memcpy(met.s, "SUBSCRIBE", 9);
- met.len = 9;
- set_uac_req(&uac_r, &met, str_hdr, 0, td, TMCB_LOCAL_COMPLETED,
- subs_cback_func, (void*)cb_param);
- result= tmb.t_request_within(&uac_r);
- if(result< 0)
- {
LM_ERR("in t_request function\n");
ret_code = -1;
cb_param = NULL;
goto done;
- }
- }
td= NULL;
if(met.s != NULL) {
met.s = NULL;
met.len = 0;
if(str_hdr != NULL) {
str_hdr = NULL;
return ret_code;
static void db_update(unsigned int ticks,void *param)
It seems a lot of change, but there are only a few lines changed, probably in the file I modify I have convert the TAB to Space and the diff does not recognize them. Another thing is I use dynamic memory for the str SUBSCRIBE and PUBLISH.
Another thing for the management of NOTIFY arrives before the 202/200 OK of SUBSCRIBE, in addition to the patches done previously, maybe the hash.c need to patch for the is_dialog function which is called for the NOTIFY in PUA_XMPP module:
# diff -u hash.c.orig hash.c --- hash.c.orig 2011-12-27 13:38:06.000000000 +0100 +++ hash.c 2011-12-27 13:38:38.000000000 +0100 @@ -487,10 +487,11 @@ hash_code= core_hash(dialog->pres_uri, dialog->watcher_uri, HASH_SIZE); lock_get(&HashT->p_records[hash_code].lock);
if(get_dialog(dialog, hash_code)== NULL)
ret_code= -1;
if(get_dialog(dialog, hash_code) ||
get_temporary_dialog(dialog, hash_code)) ret_code= 0;
ret_code= -1;
lock_release(&HashT->p_records[hash_code].lock); return ret_code;
Best Regards, Laura
On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 5:10 PM, laura testi lau.testi@gmail.com wrote:
Ok, I'll try it.
Thank you very much!
On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com wrote:
can you try with this patch:
Cheers, Daniel
On 12/23/11 12:36 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
looks like a leak in a module that is storing record-routes and use them later, perhaps pua module, I will check it soon.
Cheers, Daniel
On 12/23/11 11:31 AM, laura testi wrote:
Hi Daniel, I just follow the instruction in the link you sent (http://www.asipto.com/pub/kamailio-devel-guide/#c04troubleshooting) to use gdb to print PKG fragments. When I got the error in PUA:
Dec 23 11:10:53 /.../sbin/kamailio[23276]: ERROR: pua [send_subscribe.c:158]: No memory left for size:439 Dec 23 11:10:53 /.../sbin/kamailio[23276]: ERROR: pua [pua.c:747]: while building tm dlg_t structure Dec 23 11:10:53 /.../sbin/kamailio[23276]: ERROR: pua [pua.c:652]: while updating record
The I run the command gdb /.../sbin/kamailio 23276 and write the following commands in the gdb:
set $i=0 set $a = mem_block->first_frag while($i<10000) if($i>2000) if($a->u.is_free==0) p *$a end end set $a = ((struct qm_frag*)((char*)($a)+sizeof(struct qm_frag)+((struct qm_frag*)$a)->size+sizeof(struct qm_frag_end))) set $i = $i + 1 end ...
after a while I got a lot of prints on the screen like these:
func = 0x5d7b00 "do_parse_rr_body", line = 74, check = 4042322160} $1348 = {size = 72, u = {nxt_free = 0x0, is_free = 0}, file = 0x5d76c9 "<core>: parser/parse_rr.c", func = 0x5d7b00 "do_parse_rr_body", line = 74, check = 4042322160} $1349 = {size = 72, u = {nxt_free = 0x0, is_free = 0}, file = 0x5d76c9 "<core>: parser/parse_rr.c", func = 0x5d7b00 "do_parse_rr_body", line = 74, check = 4042322160} $1350 = {size = 72, u = {nxt_free = 0x0, is_free = 0}, file = 0x5d76c9 "<core>: parser/parse_rr.c", func = 0x5d7b00 "do_parse_rr_body", line = 74, check = 4042322160} $1351 = {size = 104, u = {nxt_free = 0x0, is_free = 0}, file = 0x5d76c9 "<core>: parser/parse_rr.c", func = 0x5d7b00 "do_parse_rr_body", line = 74, check = 4042322160} $1352 = {size = 104, u = {nxt_free = 0x0, is_free = 0}, file = 0x5d76c9 "<core>: parser/parse_rr.c", func = 0x5d7b00 "do_parse_rr_body", line = 74, check = 4042322160} $1353 = {size = 72, u = {nxt_free = 0x0, is_free = 0}, file = 0x5d76c9 "<core>: parser/parse_rr.c", func = 0x5d7b00 "do_parse_rr_body", line = 74, check = 4042322160} $1354 = {size = 72, u = {nxt_free = 0x0, is_free = 0}, ---Type<return> to continue, or q<return> to quit---
But I don't understand if these are normal or something goes wrong....
Can you help
Best Regards, Laura
On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com wrote:
pkg.stats was added in 3.2.0, iirc. For 3.1, you can walk the packets in memory with gdb -- 3.1 has memory debug on, so you don't need to recompile (unless you turned it off).
Just attach to the pid of a sip worker (gdb /path/to/kamailio _pid_value_) and run the gdb script.
Cheers, Daniel
On 12/21/11 11:58 AM, laura testi wrote:
Hi Daniel, I try the sercmd for pkg memory but it return 500 error:
# sercmd sercmd 0.2 Copyright 2006 iptelorg GmbH This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type `warranty'. sercmd> pkg.stats error: 500 - command pkg.stats not found sercmd>
Is it available only for 3.2.x and master branch? Because we are using 3.1.5. But take the PUA module from master branch for the fetch_row parameter you have patched ;-)
core.shmmem is ok.
Thanks a lot
On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda@gmail.com wrote:
you can see the available pkg via sercmd, sending command pkg.stats (match the entry for the pid printing the error). If there is no free memory, then might be a leak.
You can attach with gdb to the pid printing these errors and walk to pkg, you see the commands for gdb at:
See if you have lot of allocated chunks from same place in source code (ignore those at the beginning, mainly related to cfg parsing) and send the details here.
Cheers, Daniel
On 12/21/11 10:44 AM, laura testi wrote:
Hi, we are using the PUA_XMPP and PUA modules from the master branch. When the modules are started, everything are ok, the presence events from XMPP are sent to kamailio SIP servers (PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE) and cached in the hash. But when there are several thousands records in the hash tabel, the update_pua function called in the hashT_clean gives a lot of "No memory left" error when the hashT_clean is waked up from the time:
ERROR: pua [send_subscribe.c]: No memory left ERROR: pua [pua.c]: while building tm dlg_t structure
The failed call is: td = (dlg_t*)pkg_malloc(size); if(td == NULL) { LM_ERR("No memory left\n"); return NULL; }
in dlg_t* pua_build_dlg_t(ua_pres_t* presentity) function in send_subscribe.c. The size is about 400 and something... It's strange.....
Is it the memory leak in the PUA module?
I also try to increase the pkg_memory from 4MB default to 16MB, but it doesn't help.
Any Idea?
Thanks in advanced
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-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com http://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- http://twitter.com/miconda
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com http://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- http://twitter.com/miconda
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com http://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- http://twitter.com/miconda
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- http://www.asipto.com http://linkedin.com/in/miconda -- http://twitter.com/miconda