Hi there,
I am trying to implement a sip/rtp proxy.
I have one public ip address with a domain name. example (
On the lan side i have multiple asterisk instances all listening on 5060
for sip requests. These instances will be assigned to different customers
I am hoping to run kamailio in front of these instances and route sip and
rtp traffic to the correct asterisk instance.
So in this use case asterisk instances will be used as application servers
and kamailio will be used as a sip/rtpproxy with nathelper
So my question is what would be the best way and using which modules can i
route the requests for
customerone.whatever.com to the first asterisk
instance and
customertwo.whatever.com to the second.
is this achieved with the dispatcher module? and if so, where can it be
defined that requests for
cusomertone.whatever.com is routed to the first
asterisk instance.
Kind regards,
Cormac O'Loughlin