This is your cue in the output: check_avp: check <7267261005>against <UNAMEOFTO> as str
The s: prefix in your test is interpreted as a string. You need to create an alias (modparam), then write into the alias and then reference the alias "eq/$unameofto/gi" g-)
Vivek Bhat wrote:
I tried to call avp_write() and avp_check() funtctions as below:
avp_write("$ruri/username", "s:UNAMEOFRURI"); avp_print(); avp_write("$to/username", "s:UNAMEOFTO"); avp_print();
if (avp_check("s:UNAMEOFRURI", "eq/s:UNAMEOFTO/gi")) {
log(1, "Usernames of RURI and TO are identical."); } else { log(1, "Usernames of RURI and TO are NOT identical."); }
However, when avp_check is called, always "esle" part is executed even though "s:UNAMEOFRURI" and "s:UNAMEOFTO" are identical. Why is it happening? I am using SER 0.9.6 on Linux. Is it a bug in SER?
The debug output for the above is as below:
9(31343) DEBUG:avpops:print_avp: p=0xbd7340b8, flags=3 9(31343) DEBUG: name=<UNAMEOFRURI> 9(31343) DEBUG: val_str=<7267261005> 9(31343) parse_headers: flags=4 9(31343) DEBUG:avpops:print_avp: p=0xbd7340f0, flags=3 9(31343) DEBUG: name=<UNAMEOFTO> 9(31343) DEBUG: val_str=<7267261004> 9(31343) DEBUG:avpops:print_avp: p=0xbd7340b8, flags=3 9(31343) DEBUG: name=<UNAMEOFRURI> 9(31343) DEBUG: val_str=<7267261005>^ 9(31343) DEBUG:avpops:check_avp: check <7267261005> against <UNAMEOFTO> as str 9(31343) DEBUG:avpops:check_avp: checked failed
Note that while executing avp_check, it checks 7267261005 against UNAMEOFTO instead of "7267261004". Why is that?
Thanks, Vivek Bhat
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