El Tuesday 09 October 2007 11:51:34 Daniel Grotti escribió:
I have 2 SJphone behind the same NAT (I know that it's a restricted con NAT).
UA1 ----> (NAT 1) --------> PROXY
UA2 <-----(NAT 1)<-------------
I've configured my openser.cfg to use Mediaproxy (installed in the same pc) if 1 or 2 pc are behind NAT (in this case both of my pc). But when I call from UA1 to the other and I accept the call with UA2, the RTP stream doesn't flow through the Mediaproxy but it's direct from UA1 to UA2.
Have you tryied to call from UA1 (behind your NAT) to other device out of your LAN? MediaProxy (if it well configured) should work in that case.
In case caller and called behind the same call, you explicitely **need** to allow direct RP in openser.cfg by matching $si with $dd (if pulbic source address and destination address is the same don't apply SDP fix).
But if you haven't configured it explicitely then maybe your conf is worng.