This looks fine, except that asterisk does not know how to call the new destination: (Refer-To: sip:00043551191@;line=fnhf1aep?Replaces=3c267e322bf2-hcvubihsgoqa%40snom360-000413230066%3Bto-tag%3Dgpij52sisv%3Bfrom-tag%3Djhu81hu4vn )
watch asterisks log files, make sure asterisk is using the proper context when looking in extensions.conf.
google for asterisk transfer context
regards klaus
Bastian Schern wrote:
I made an dump of a working scenario (97-96-91.html) and a dump of the problematic scenario (PSTN-96-91.html).
Regards Bastian
Klaus Darilion schrieb:
then we will need some more SIP dumps to help you.
"ngrep -d any port 5060" on the SIP proxy.
regards klaus
On Tue, April 25, 2006 20:00, Bastian Schern said:
Klaus Darilion schrieb:
this is quit difficult: Which SIP phones? Which version of Asterisk? ...
I use snom 360 and 200 phones, Asterisk and OpenSER 1.0.1
You have to make sure that Asterisk and the SIP phones are "compatible". There are several ways how to make a call transfer.
Also an often seen problem is the different dialing plans on openser and Asterisk. Asterisk must be able to call B in the same way (same request URI) then A calls B.
Of course Asterisk is able to call A or B in the same way.
Regards Bastian
regards klaus
Bastian Schern wrote:
does anybody got a working configuration to make an "attended call transfer" with a call through an Asterisk gateway?
PSTN --> Asterisk --> SER --+-- A | +-- B
The call will come from the PSTN Network and will go through "A". A sets the call on "Hold" and calls "B". After A is connected with B, A hangup an B got the call from PSTN.
This in _not_ working at the moment.
Attended call transfer only with OpenSER and only SIP-Phones is no Problem. But if the is an Asterisk as PSTN-GW in the game it will not work.
Regards Bastian
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