On 07/23/2008 05:22 PM, caio wrote:
Hi guys, I have a problem with call forwarding (on busy or not answer).., the call fall into the failure_route(1) block, and AVP checking and pushto does its job.
Here a snipped of code of failure_route(1) (flag 27 means call fwd if no answer):
if (isflagset(27) && t_check_status("408")) { # if fwd no
answer is set and reply msg is 408
if (avp_pushto("$ruri", "s:fwdnoanswer")) { avp_delete("s:fwdnoanswer"); resetflag(27); avp_print(); log(1, "LOG: --> appending new branch..."); if (!append_branch()){ t_reply("500", "Too many branches?!"); drop; } log(1, "LOG: --> Calling route_6..."); route(6); break;
Route(6) finally calls route(1), where t_relay is called. But have a dns failure..and the call never is forwarded.
== ser.log ==
DEBUG: mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup... get_record: lookup(_sip._udp.wsa.lab, 33) failed_ sip_resolvehost: no SRV record found for wsa.lab, trying 'normal' lookup..._ check_via_address(,, 0)_ ERROR: udp_send: sendto(sock,0x2ab32599c720,910,0,0x2ab325999e68,16): Operation not permitted(1)_ msg_send: ERROR: udp_send failed_ ERROR: t_forward_nonack: sending request failed_ DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[4]: 0x2ab325999e80_ DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[0]: 0x2ab325999ea0_ ERROR: w_t_relay (failure mode): forwarding failed_
A question regarding this trouble.....Can I disable use_dns_cache ? SER version is 0.9.7.
there is no DNS cache in version 0.9.x as I recall, but anyway, your problem does not seem to be related to DNS, but to the UDP message sending: SER fails to send out the UDP packet, "Operation not permitted". Is there no firewall or routing problem at the proxy side?
What do you recommend? If you need my ser.cfg I can paste it...