Hi, Thanks for help
I put this in ser.cfg :
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 1)
modparam("usrloc", "db_url",
Here is the output : (see the last lines : the error
"receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg" (none of my phone can have a phone call,
but X-Lite seems to register...)
(2826) loading module /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so
0(2826) loading module /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so
0(2826) loading module /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so
0(2826) loading module /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/rr.so
0(2826) loading module /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so
0(2826) loading module /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so
0(2826) loading module /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so
0(2826) set_mod_param_regex: usrloc matches module usrloc
0(2826) set_mod_param_regex: found <db_mode> in module usrloc
0(2826) set_mod_param_regex: usrloc matches module usrloc
0(2826) set_mod_param_regex: found <db_url> in module usrloc
0(2826) set_mod_param_regex: rr matches module rr
0(2826) set_mod_param_regex: found <enable_full_lr> in module rr
0(2826) find_export: found <mf_process_maxfwd_header> in module
maxfwd_module [/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so]
0(2826) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(2826) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(2826) find_export: found <record_route> in module rr
0(2826) find_export: found <loose_route> in module rr
0(2826) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm
0(2826) find_export: found <save> in module registrar
0(2826) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(2826) find_export: found <lookup> in module registrar
0(2826) find_export: found <lookup> in module registrar
0(2826) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm
0(2826) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module
0(2826) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(2826) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm
0(2826) routing table 0:
0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826)
f_ptr<0x4229fe20> 0(2826) , "10" 0(2826) ); 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4229fe20> 0(2826) , "10" 0(2826) );
0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "TROP DE SAUTS
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "483" 0(2826) , "Too Many Hops" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop(
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826) if (
0(2826) UNKNOWN 0(2826) <UNKNOWN> 0(2826) 65535 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log(
0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "MESSAGE TROP LONG
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "513" 0(2826) , "Message too big" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop(
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422991f0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if (
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42296e60> 0(2826) );
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42296e60> 0(2826) );
0(2826) ) { 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else {
0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) uri 0(2826) == 0(2826) _myself_ 0(2826) )
{ 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) method 0(2826) == 0(2826) "REGISTER" 0(2826) ) {
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b6620> 0(2826) ,
"location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826)
f_ptr<0x4219e790> 0(2826) , "200" 0(2826) , "Enregistrement OK"
0(2826) );
0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) };
0(2826) log( 0(2826) 2 0(2826) , "NON REGISTER
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases" 0(2826) ); 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) ,
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "location"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30>
0(2826) , "location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1
0(2826) , "USER FOUND
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e7c0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else
{ 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "USER NOT
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "404" 0(2826) , "User not found" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop(
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log(
0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "OUT REALM
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826)
if ( 0(2826) UNKNOWN 0(2826) <UNKNOWN> 0(2826) 65535 0(2826) ) { 0(2826)
log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "MESSAGE TROP LONG
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "513" 0(2826) , "Message too big" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop(
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422991f0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if (
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42296e60> 0(2826) );
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42296e60> 0(2826) );
0(2826) ) { 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else {
0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) uri 0(2826) == 0(2826) _myself_ 0(2826) )
{ 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) method 0(2826) == 0(2826) "REGISTER" 0(2826) ) {
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b6620> 0(2826) ,
"location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826)
f_ptr<0x4219e790> 0(2826) , "200" 0(2826) , "Enregistrement OK"
0(2826) );
0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) };
0(2826) log( 0(2826) 2 0(2826) , "NON REGISTER
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases" 0(2826) ); 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) ,
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "location"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30>
0(2826) , "location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1
0(2826) , "USER FOUND
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e7c0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else
{ 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "USER NOT
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "404" 0(2826) , "User not found" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop(
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log(
0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "OUT REALM
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422991f0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if (
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42296e60> 0(2826) );
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42296e60> 0(2826) );
0(2826) ) { 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else {
0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) uri 0(2826) == 0(2826) _myself_ 0(2826) )
{ 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) method 0(2826) == 0(2826) "REGISTER" 0(2826) ) {
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b6620> 0(2826) ,
"location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826)
f_ptr<0x4219e790> 0(2826) , "200" 0(2826) , "Enregistrement OK"
0(2826) );
0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) };
0(2826) log( 0(2826) 2 0(2826) , "NON REGISTER
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases" 0(2826) ); 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) ,
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "location"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30>
0(2826) , "location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1
0(2826) , "USER FOUND
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e7c0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else
{ 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "USER NOT
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "404" 0(2826) , "User not found" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop(
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log(
0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "OUT REALM
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826)
if ( 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42296e60> 0(2826) );
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42296e60> 0(2826) );
0(2826) ) { 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else {
0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) uri 0(2826) == 0(2826) _myself_ 0(2826) )
{ 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) method 0(2826) == 0(2826) "REGISTER" 0(2826) ) {
0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b6620> 0(2826) ,
"location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826)
f_ptr<0x4219e790> 0(2826) , "200" 0(2826) , "Enregistrement OK"
0(2826) );
0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) };
0(2826) log( 0(2826) 2 0(2826) , "NON REGISTER
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases" 0(2826) ); 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) ,
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "location"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30>
0(2826) , "location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1
0(2826) , "USER FOUND
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e7c0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else
{ 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "USER NOT
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "404" 0(2826) , "User not found" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop(
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log(
0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "OUT REALM
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826)
if ( 0(2826) uri 0(2826) == 0(2826) _myself_ 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) if (
0(2826) method 0(2826) == 0(2826) "REGISTER" 0(2826) ) { 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b6620> 0(2826) , "location"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "200" 0(2826) , "Enregistrement OK" 0(2826) ); 0(2826)
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826) log(
0(2826) 2 0(2826) , "NON REGISTER
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases" 0(2826) ); 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "aliases"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) ,
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) }; 0(2826) if ( 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30> 0(2826) , "location"
0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x422b5a30>
0(2826) , "location" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1
0(2826) , "USER FOUND
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) if ( 0(2826) NOT( 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call(
0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) ) 0(2826) ) { 0(2826)
external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e7c0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) } else
{ 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log( 0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "USER NOT
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x4219e790>
0(2826) , "404" 0(2826) , "User not found" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop(
0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826) } else { 0(2826) log(
0(2826) 1 0(2826) , "OUT REALM
" 0(2826) ); 0(2826) external_module_call( 0(2826) f_ptr<0x42270830>
0(2826) ); 0(2826) drop( 0(2826) type<0> 0(2826) ); 0(2826) }; 0(2826)
Listening on []:5060 []:5060
Aliases: localhost:5060 Linux:5060* arwen-tech.fr:*
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod: mysql
0(2828) mysql - initializing
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod: sl_module
stateless - initializing
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (sl_stats) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: MD5 calculated: 3cc4c29c50fe423c689136c8ae913ec2
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod: tm
0(2828) TM - initializing...
0(2828) Call-ID initialization: '6bb7bddf'
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (t_uac_dlg) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (t_hash) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: lock_initialize: lock initialization started
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (t_stats) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: MD5 calculated: a98ea5369af7c62803785160b9215111
0(2828) DEBUG: MD5 calculated: a532a1b878db1254fb2a69d48f1933d6
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod: rr
0(2828) rr - initializing
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod: maxfwd_module
Maxfwd module- initializing
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod: usrloc
0(2828) usrloc - initializing
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_stats) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_rm) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_rm_contact) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_dump) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_flush) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_add) registered
0(2828) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_show_contact) registered
0(2828) find_export: found <db_use_table> in module mysql
0(2828) find_export: found <db_init> in module mysql
0(2828) find_export: found <db_close> in module mysql
0(2828) find_export: found <db_query> in module mysql
0(2828) find_export: found <db_raw_query> in module mysql
0(2828) find_export: found <db_free_query> in module mysql
0(2828) find_export: found <db_insert> in module mysql
0(2828) find_export: found <db_delete> in module mysql
0(2828) find_export: found <db_update> in module mysql
0(2828) mod_init(): Database connection opened successfuly
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod: registrar
0(2828) registrar - initializing
0(2828) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_bind_usrloc> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_register_udomain> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_get_all_ucontacts> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_insert_urecord> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_delete_urecord> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_get_urecord> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_lock_udomain> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_unlock_udomain> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_release_urecord> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_insert_ucontact> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_delete_ucontact> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_get_ucontact> in module usrloc
0(2828) find_export: found <ul_update_ucontact> in module usrloc
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so mf_process_maxfwd_header
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/rr.so record_route
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/rr.so loose_route
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so t_relay
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so save
0(0) preload_udomain(): Table is empty
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so lookup
0(0) preload_udomain(): Table is empty
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so lookup
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so t_relay
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_reply_error
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so sl_send_reply
0(0) fixing /usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so t_relay
0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 65535
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 131070
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=131070,verify=131070
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 262140
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=262140,verify=131070
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 133118
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=133118,verify=131070
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect
0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 131070
0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 65535
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 131070
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=131070,verify=131070
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 262140
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=262140,verify=131070
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect
0(0) DEBUG: udp_init: trying SO_RCVBUF: 133118
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF; set=133118,verify=131070
0(0) DEBUG: setting SO_RCVBUF has no effect
0(0) INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 131070
1(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): tm
1(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
1(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): usrloc
2(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): tm
2(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
2(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): usrloc
3(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): tm
3(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
3(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): usrloc
4(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): tm
4(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
4(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): usrloc
5(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): tm
5(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
5(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (1): usrloc
7(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): tm
7(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
7(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (3): usrloc
8(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): tm
8(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
8(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (4): usrloc
8(2844) DBG: open_uac_fifo: opening fifo...
8(2844) DEBUG: open_fifo_server: FIFO stat failed: Success
8(2844) DEBUG: FIFO created @ /tmp/ser_fifo
8(2844) DEBUG: fifo /tmp/ser_fifo opened, mode=432
9(0) INFO: fifo process starting: 2846
9(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): tm
9(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
9(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-2): usrloc
10(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): tm
10(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
10(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): usrloc
11(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): tm
11(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
11(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): usrloc
9(2846) SER: open_uac_fifo: fifo server up at /tmp/ser_fifo...
6(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): tm
6(2841) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-2841(a)'
6(2841) DEBUG: init_mod_child (2): usrloc
12(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): tm
12(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
12(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): usrloc
13(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): tm
13(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
13(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): usrloc
14(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): tm
14(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
14(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): usrloc
15(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): tm
15(0) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-0(a)'
15(0) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): usrloc
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): tm
0(2828) DEBUG: callid: '6bb7bddf-2828(a)'
0(2828) DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): usrloc
200 Added to table
('1234','sip:gwenael@arwen-tech.fr') to 'aliases'
200 Added to table
('5678','sip:boris@arwen-tech.fr') to 'aliases'
[root@Linux local]# 1(2831) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
2(2833) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
3(2835) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
4(2837) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
1(2831) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
2(2833) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
3(2835) DEBUG: probing packet received
4(2837) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
1(2831) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
2(2833) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
3(2835) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
4(2837) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
1(2831) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
2(2833) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
3(2835) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
4(2837) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
1(2831) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
10(2848) Binding '1234','sip:gwenael@arwen-tech.fr' has expired
10(2848) Binding '5678','sip:boris@arwen-tech.fr' has expired
2(2833) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
3(2835) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
4(2837) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
1(2831) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
2(2833) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
3(2835) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
4(2837) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
1(2831) ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
can you send the whole ser output? don't forget to
set debug=9, to get
as much as possible.
g.billoudet(a)arwen-tech.fr wrote:
I tried with sql:// instead of mysql:// and I get the same error...
Anyway, I still get the error when I put that :
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 1)
#modparam("usrloc", "db_url",
Help :-(
On 09-11 14:26, E. Versaevel wrote:
First of all put a linebreak between them, they
should not be on the
line, and if I'm not mistaken the sql url should be
sql://user:password@server/database not mysql://
It depends on SER version, 0.8.99-xx uses "mysql:" (or the name of the
database driver, to be more precise), 0.8.14 uses "sql:"
>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: serusers-bounces(a)iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces@lists.iptel.org]
>Verzonden: dinsdag 9 november 2004 14:18
>Aan: serusers(a)lists.iptel.org
>Onderwerp: [Serusers] receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
>When I put these lines in ser.cfg :
>modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 1)
>modparam("usrloc", "db_url",
>Then I get this error each time my ser gets a sip message :
> ERROR: receive_msg: no mem for sip_msg
>(and ser doesn't work and I can't have phone call)
>The probleme comes from the script ser.cfg or from mysql ?
> Gwen
># ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------
>check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v)
>dns=no # (cmd. line: -r)
>rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R)
># ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/rr.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so"
>loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so"
># ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
># -- usrloc params --
>modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 1)
>modparam("usrloc", "db_url",
># -- rr params --
>modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
># ------------------------- request routing logic -------------------
> if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
> sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
> break;
> };
> if ( msg:len > max_len ) {
> sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big");
> break;
> };
> record_route();
> if (loose_route()) {
> t_relay();
> break;
> };
> if (uri == myself) {
> if (method=="REGISTER") {
> save("location");
> sl_send_reply("200","REGISTER OK");
> break;
> };
> if (!lookup("aliases")) {
> log(1, "ALIASES FAILED\n");
> };
> if (lookup("location")) {
> log(1, "USER FOUND\n");
> if (!t_relay()) {
> sl_reply_error();
> };
> } else {
> log(1, "USER NOT FOUND\n");
> sl_send_reply("404", "User not found");
> break;
> };
> } else {
> log(1, "OUT REALM\n");
> t_relay();
> break;
> };
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