Hi... All ,
I am facing problem with SER presence status, when authorization is enabled.
B elow is the scenario of my test.
1) PUA1 & PUA2 are two user agents subscribed to SER (2.0) presence server. 2) PUA1 adds PUA2 into its buddly list . PUA2 gets Watcher-info notification from PUA1 with subscription - state pending. 3) PUA2 accepts PUA1 and presence-rules.xml file is updated for PUA2 . In whitelist (Allow List)," <id PUA1@ser.org mailto:PUA1@ser.org <id> " is added successfully.
problem statement :
PUA2 status is offline in PUA1 's buddy list. I f PUA2 changes its status (sends PUBLISH with away/on phone/busy activity ) , SER presence sends 200 OK success response , but no notifcation will be generated from server to watcher PUA1. - also when PUA2 logs out and logs in again Wathcer-info subscription will be generated with pending state though presence-rules.xml document was already updated for this.
I have modified the ser.cfg for presence authorization below as per ser presence Handbook .
modparam("pa", "auth", "xcap") modparam("xcap", "xcap_root", "http://localhost/xcap-root http://localhost/xcap-root ")
I have attached the ser.cfg file. which i tried ... but doesn't work out.
let me know any of your comments.
regards, Pravin .
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