the branch flags are kept in memory only during the transaction
lifetime, all branches being destroyed along with the transaction. If
you set it in the request_route, then the branch flags are for the first
branch. Then you can set/test them also in branch_route blocks, then
working with the current branch flags.
What is particular to branch flags is that if you set some during the
processing of REGISTER requests, they are stored in location record for
corresponding contact address and restored later when one does
lookup(location). So they can be persistent over the time, associated
with a contact address.
If you need flags persistent per call lifetime, then you have to use
dialog module, which manages its own flags.
On 29.11.20 20:18, me.projects(a)yahoo.com wrote:
Thanks a lot for all this :)
On Sunday, November 29, 2020, 11:43:29 PM GMT+5, Alex Balashov
<abalashov(a)evaristesys.com> wrote:
The flags only apply to branches created by Kamailio, not incoming
Relaying anything creates a new branch; changing the RURI does not
affect that.
On 11/29/20 1:40 PM, me.projects(a)yahoo.com
<mailto:me.projects@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Alex, Thanks for the reply. I think branch is
identified by RURI...
if we change the RURI and relay it to other hop then would it be new
Branch ? If we set BFlag in Request Route would it be available this
changed RURI for this transaction ?
On Sunday, November 29, 2020, 11:21:48 PM GMT+5, Alex Balashov
<abalashov(a)evaristesys.com <mailto:abalashov@evaristesys.com>> wrote:
It will be available within a particular branch, which is a subset of a
single transaction.
On 11/29/20 1:20 PM, me.projects(a)yahoo.com
<mailto:me.projects@yahoo.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the lifecycle of Branch
Flag? If its set in Request Route
it be
available till end of Dialog or It will be available during
Transaction only ?
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Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)
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Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
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