On 26-10-2005 13:59, gorand@dvvti.com wrote:
Second question, I have SER installed on a FEDORA Core 4 and one of the forum users was nice enough to forward me RPM's of Ser. I installed all the RPM along with SERWEB. I am unable to access the url via http://<your-host>/ser/admin
Everything installed properly I have looked at my httpd and have done multple /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start Everything seems like it starting up. I just can't get the SerWeb working properly.
The package provides /etc/serweb/apache.conf file. You need to include that file in the apache configuration. See the apache documentation for more info how to do that. Serweb should become available as http://<your-host>/serweb once you include that file and restart apache.