On 1/11/10 1:56 PM, Samuel Muller wrote:
Hello all,
I've questions 'bout the redirect/forward with 30x requests.
Actually, it does not work, it seems the uac redirect module doesn' t use the new contact for the new invite.
simple schema : pstn gw -> kamailio -> linksys -> call forward unconditionnal to another pstn number -> kamailio -> gw pstn
the 302 as seen with ngrep tool :
#SIP/2.0 302 Moved Temporarily. #To: sip:B@sip_proxy;user=phone;tag=91515579fff6b8d1i0. #From: sip:A@pstn_gw1;user=phone;tag=16627-UI-00020cf3-54eea92c4. #Call-ID: 16627-RO-00020cf2-4186e9762@pstn_gw1. #CSeq: 81990 INVITE. #Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip_proxy;branch=z9hG4bK0f0c.22989b87.1. #Via: SIP/2.0/UDP pstn_gw1:5060;rport=5060;received=ip_pstn_gw1;branch=z9hG4bK-25EA-243F3. #Record-Route: sip:sip_proxy;lr=on;ftag=16627-UI-00020cf3-54eea92c4;did=f65.bcc44f06. #Contact: sip:C@sip_proxy. #Diversion: "B" sip:B@sip_proxy;reason=unconditional. #Server: Linksys/SPA942-6.1.3(a).
DBG:uac_redirect:shmcontact2dset: adding contact sip:C@sip_proxy dest set : Contact: sip:B@ip_B, sip:C@sip_proxy;q=0.01 contact $ct: sip:pstn_gw1:5060
the second pstn gateway received a request to B, and not C (so it creates a loop through pstn ...).
in my config :
loadmodule "uac.so" modparam("uac", "rr_store_param", "vsf") modparam("uac", "from_restore_mode", "auto")
loadmodule "uac_redirect.so" modparam("uac_redirect", "default_filter", "accept") modparam("uac_redirect","bflags", 1)
loadmodule "diversion.so"
failure_route[2] { setdebug(4);
if (t_check_status("301|302")) { route(26) # acc fwd $avp(s:acc_status) = "cfu"; if (!get_redirects("2:1")) { xlog("L_NOTICE", "failed to extract contact
info from 30x header"); route(10); # stop rtp t_reply("480", "Temporarily Unavailable"); exit; }
# flag 3xx status, open a new branch and back to find
the new callee setflag(28); append_branch(); t_on_branch("1"); route(3); # search the new callee setdebug(); exit; }
t_on_branch("1"); setdebug(); route(3); # find callee route(12); # local outbound route(10); # stop rtp
I'm using lcr module to route calls, kamailio v. 1.5.3.
I've another question, is the 30x always considered as a failure_route ?
Any help and/or explanations about the tricks would be really appreciated ... thanks,
as I can see from you comments, in failure_route you get the contacts from 30x and append branch then call route(3) which is find callee -- what is that, is it appending another branch? Practically after append branch you should just do relay.
Cheers, Daniel