Art Mason wrote:
I also have found myself moving over to Free- and OpenBSD for most
workstation and server needs, but I keep an install of Mandrake handy
for those few apps that don't port to well over to the BSD platforms.
What I'm really interested in is stund support in OpenBSD that
integrated w/ pf, seeing as how the majority of my firewalls are now
OpenBSD 3.1-3.2 boxes running the new pf code. Ser itself runs great on
FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE, which is what I use as my testing platform, but
this NAT stuff is really killing me when it comes to bringing in
potential callers over the WAN. Any word on when a *BSD-compatible
binary of stund might be available? Thanks.
You can find patches necessary for compiling stund-0.8.2 on FreeBSD
here: Before trying to
compile it you need to istall ports/devel/libgnugetopt port.
Hope it helps.