- I want to use SER as the only point where to implement all call
This is very similar to how we do things at our company. We use Asterisk as our IAX/PRI/misc media proxy, and SER does all of our LCR/CDR's. What I was getting at is, is SER a centralized server ie housing many servers? Or is this a per server basis, such as this:
Server1 <Asterisk/SER> Server2 <Asterisk/SER>
If it's a scenario where your LCR is not centralized then it's almost unneeded. In our situation, we dedicate servers to a single function, for scalability and also to get by this problem that you're seeing.
- I need a gateway that supports ISDN NT-mode
I'm not bad mouthing Asterisk, we love it for a media gateway and as a PBX, for that it's priceless. For call routing though, etc yes it's a baby.
-----Original Message----- From: Alexander Hoffmann [mailto:alexander.hoffmann@netgenius.de]
The reason why I need both is: 1) I want to use SER as the only point where to implement all call routing logic 2) I need a gateway that supports ISDN NT-mode
Because of 2 I am using Asterisk, do you know something better ?
Regards, Alex