On Nov 30, 2006 at 13:50, Paul Antinori (pantinor) pantinor@cisco.com wrote:
I have been using 0.9.6 version of SER that has DNS SRV load balancing, but now want to try the build that has DNS SRV failover/rollover capabilities built in using the SRV priority. I think this is called the "CVS HEAD" build. I cannot see this on the FTP download directories.
Is this available?
Try http://www.iptel.org/~andrei/ser_tarballs/unstable/ for the latest cvs and http://www.iptel.org/~andrei/ser_tarballs/stable/ for the 0.9.x release latest fixes. (I have a script that builds a tar each day if something changes on the cvs and I've just re-activated it :-))