Hello AliReza,
On 08/15/2014 12:13 AM, AliReza Khoshgoftar Monfared wrote:
Now a general question ( or request for a word of advice :) ): if you have ultimate flexibility and want to send an integer from one proxy to another. What functions ( modules ) are the best to append and recover it? ( i don't care where it is appended, body or header, etc )
If you just want to send such values around in standard SIP requests, i.e. insert them to an INVITE, I would say that the most canonical and widespread way to do this is via custom SIP headers, e.g.
On the sender:
append_hf("X-Alireza-Rate: 172\r\n");
On the receiver:
if(is_present_hf("X-Alireza-Rate")) { xlog("L_INFO", "Extracted rate is $hdr(X-Alireza-Rate)\n");
# Don't pass this header further upstream.
remove_hf("X-Alireza-Rate"); }