Thank you Raviprakash for your reply.
I have my system setup as you described, however, I am experiencing difficulty with the actual call transfers. The problem is that Asterisk is not "replacing" the call when it receives a REFER request to connect.
Are you using this setup?
I have configured openser to relay calls made to ruri 700-720 to asterisk running on localhost:5069
Call flow:
phoneA --------call------> phoneB
PhoneB answers
then PhoneB -----transfer --------> asterisk (700)
asterisk answers and plays the parking location (701)
PhoneB (press transfer again) -----------REFER ---------> phone A
PhoneA -----------invite with referred-by header-------> asterisk
At this point,
Asterisk <---------------connected and plays parking lot 702 -----------> phoneA
Asterisk <-------------still connected -------------------> phoneB
This was a specific example but this transfer problem is not limited to call park only. It happens any time asterisk is the second party called in call transfer.
Thanks in advance for your help.
-- Zahid
On May 11, 2007, at 12:35 AM, raviprakash sunkara wrote:
Hi OpenSER doesn't the Park calling Feature ,
you Should forward the Call to Asterisk Server,
in asterisk configuaration directory ...> /etc/asterisk. in that directory , see the feature.conf and followme.conf (asterisk1.4).
see in the
On 5/11/07, zm23 wrote: Hi All. Has anyone implemented call park / pickup feature using OpenSER and asterisk? Or maybe OpenSER and something else ?
Any help / suggestion is greatly appreciated.
-- Zahid
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-- Thanks &Regards Ravi Prakash Sunkara