I'm confused with the callback data parameter of request function of TM module: does TM takes the ownership of the callback data? I've seen that, if there is an error, t_request function frees the callback data. Also, I've seen empty_tmcb_list function that free that callback data, too.
I've checked other modules, to see how do they use this parameter, and I've got even more confused.
msilo.c : it initialize the pointer from an int; there is a problem in request function from uac.c file, after the 'err:' label, when 'if (cp) shm_free(cp)' is executed.
pua.c and send_publish.c: the callback functions free the callback data parameter; if the TM took the ownership, then that memory is freed twice.
So, what is the right way to handle the memory pointed by callback data?
Thank you
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