Good stuff!! We use something similar too, so only stats served when requested on while keeping websockets as usual.
I’m not good with grafana but it would be nice if anyone shares some dashboard or graph ideas that make the metrics look nice ;)
On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 04:28 Karsten Horsmann wrote:
Hello Joel and List,
okay i found a "maybe good" way to bind it to localhost without break WSS.
Btw - if the returning lines of data within var(metrics_count) are higher than 100, the max_while_loops protection cuts off the rest.
Mar 16 12:11:05 sipedge1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[3531]: ERROR: <core> [core/action.c:1348]: do_action(): runaway while (1049, 30): more then 100 loops Mar 16 12:11:05 sipedge1 /usr/sbin/kamailio[3531]: ERROR: <core> [core/action.c:1505]: do_action(): run action error at: /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg:1055
They you could disable or raise the value (i raised up the value).
[...] event_route[xhttp:request] { set_reply_close(); set_reply_no_connect();
#!ifdef WITH_JSONSTATS if ($Rp == MY_HTTP_PORT && dst_ip == "") { # Metrics endpoint if ( src_ip == "" && $hu =~ "^/stats" ) {
jsonrpc_exec('{"jsonrpc": "2.0","method":
"stats.get_statistics","params": ["all"],"id": 1}'); $var(metrics_count) = 0; jansson_array_size("result", $jsonrpl(body), "$var(total_metrics)");
while($var(metrics_count) < $var(total_metrics)) { jansson_get("result[$var(metrics_count)]",
$jsonrpl(body), "$var(v)"); $var(metric_key) = $(var(v){,0,=}{s.trim}{s.replace,:,-}); $var(metric_value) = $(var(v){,1,=}{s.trim}); jansson_set("integer", "$var(metric_key)", "$var(metric_value)", "$var(metrics_json)"); $var(metrics_count) = $var(metrics_count) + 1; }
xhttp_reply("200", "OK", "application/json",
"$var(metrics_count)"); exit;
} }
if ($Rp != MY_WS_PORT