On 10/21/10 9:31 PM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
IƱaki Baz Castillo writes:
Yes, but isn't nicer provisioning a UA just with AoR, password and domain letting DNS NAPTR/SRV and routing in the proxy to do their magic? :)
you need to draw the line somewhere regarding how much magic proxy does and knows about. there are many levels to it: method, event, content, etc.
talking about provisioning, this is another PITA with SIP.
Why not providing just ip/domain, username and password? Then the reply of 200ok for register can contain the other details, like SIP AoR, outbound proxy address, even a new registrar address - first registration to be just service discovery (maybe using a different method first time). Simple format, keyword=value, if you understand the keyword, use the value, otherwise ignore.
Ok, ok, I know the answer, according to RFC you can use the SIP phone without a server and call by IP:port, so you have to be able to set your own details. Right ... we all use it this way and it is very easy to do such dialing with any of the hardware phones today...
Cheers, Daniel