On 04/20/2009 11:25 AM, Henning Westerholt wrote:
On Sunday 19 April 2009, Juha Heinanen wrote:
priz@libero.it writes:
bison -d -b cfg cfg.y cfg.y: conflicts: 1 shift/reduce flex cfg.lex
The rest of build is OK, without errors. Is this a problem or is normal? And if is not normal, how to avoid this problem?
the conflict message has been there forever so i guess you can call it "normal".
Hi Priz,
yes, its only kind some kind of information messages from the bison parser generator (for the configuration file parser), its harmless.
and it is related to the if-then-else statement: http://docs.freebsd.org/info/bison/bison.info.Shift_Reduce.html
It is resolved to shift, which is ok (else is bound to innermost if).
Cheers, Daniel