Hi Experts,
We wished to used the LCR Module to be able to select the Gateway(s) to
send the calls to based on the From(Caller) Username.
Based on the LCR Documentation, the usage of other fields like request URI
or prefix etc is pretty clear. But for the From Usename I am having certain
trouble understanding the same. It refers to some mtree. Excerpt below:
"A gateway matches a request if user part of Request-URI matches "prefix",
caller URI matches "from_uri" pattern,* caller URI userpart matches mtree
with "mt_value"*, and callee URI matches "request_uri" pattern in a tuple
that is associated with the gateway."
Can someone explain/ share a sample lcr_rule table entries for the From
Username that can be matched against the incoming sip message for gw
selection? Do we need to manually create an mtree by the name "*lcr*".
Asking based on the below section in LCR documentation? Any pointers are
highly appreciated.
3.35. mtree (string)
Name of mtree to which load_gws() matches caller URI userpart.
*Default value is "lcr".*
Harneet Singh
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how
improbable, must be the truth" - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle