Hello All,
I'm using Kamailio 4.2 running TLS only connection on non standard port 5065. I added the following line to the kamailio.cfg:
Domain SRV record as follows:
_sips._tls.domain.com port 5065
When I try to connect using a softphone to domain.com login/password - "error while registering"
When I connect using domain.com:5065 login/password - connection established successfully.
So the question is: why I don't get redirected automatically to the specified port? If I use the default port for TLS (5061) in kamailio.cfg and in SRV, I can successfully connect using domain.com login/password
Please help.
Many Thanks!
I received in my SIP clients an OPTION request forwarded by kamailio.
The user agent of this request is 'sipvicious'. I want to avoid these
kind of requests from unauthenticated users
How can I do that ?
Julien Barreau
Hi guys,
I've to servers K1 e K2. On K2 I've registered two users on K1 and 2 users
on K2.
I would like that a user on K1 can subscribe to status of K2.... when
there's a call on K2, it has to publish "On-call" status; if there isn't any
ongoin call it has to publish "Online" status.
I've tried to use uac module and send "PUBLISH" from scripts and it works
but there are a lot of issue with SIP-If-Match header..so on K1 presentity
table on db everytime a row is added and the old will be deleted when
I've tried also with PUA_MI...but using fifo on K2...so user on K1 should
subscribe for a "virtual" user on K2. This isn't a good idea in case of
network problem.
Is there anyother way or do you have any suggests?
Marino Mileti
View this message in context: http://sip-router.1086192.n5.nabble.com/Kamailio-group-presence-tp132512.ht…
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi Group,
I have configured MSILO with following modparams.
modparam("msilo", "db_url",DBURL)
modparam("msilo", "offline_message","$rU is offline!")
modparam("msilo", "extra_hdrs", "Msilo-msg: true\r\n")
modparam("msilo", "outbound_proxy", MSILO_OUTBOUND_PROXY)
modparam("msilo", "content_type_hdr","Content-Type: message/cpim\r\n")
modparam("msilo", "extra_hdrs", "Content-Type: message/cpim\r\n")
modparam("msilo", "add_date", 0)
MSILO dumps all the messages to destination immediately after recipient
registers and gets 200 ok for sent messages.
The delivered messages are not cleared immediately and takes a minute to
delete each message.
Could some one explain why the delay is observed?
In case you need to know I am using Kamailio 4.0.0 on CentOS 6.5
Thanks & Regards,
Hello Friends and Gurus:
I am struggling with routing and need a bit of clarification WRT following:
route {
if ($fU=="601"&&is_method("INVITE"))
rewritehost(""); //SS IP
route[1] {
# send it out now; use stateful forwarding as it works reliably
# even for UDP2TCP
if (!t_relay()) {
* In the above stateful forwarding what is the rationale of calling route (1) within main route block? Could the t_relay statement afyer rewriting the host part of URI not have performed the stateful forwarding?
** In route[1] there is is only an expression abt logical not condition about t_relay() (if methods in this function are not invoked??)
I wonder where exactly is stateful forwarding taking place?
1- Is it the default action?
2- Or in function sl_reply_error()?
Thanks a lot in advance!
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wiki transformations page on param.value does not mention, what is the
result of the transformation when named param does not exist. same with
many other transformations.
what is the value if referenced value does not exit? should it be
mentioned on the wiki page?
-- juha
If I use uac_replace_from() to alter the User part of the From URI:
it overwrites the domain concealment that is otherwise imparted by
topoh, i.e. restores the original From domain.
However, uac_replace_from() does not appear to offer the option to
provide a replacement user part only, so I have to specify the domain.
As far as I know, there is no means of accessing the modifications topoh
has made, as this is transparent from the point of view of the config.
Any way around this problem?
Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC
235 E Ponce de Leon Ave
Suite 106
Decatur, GA 30030
United States
Tel: +1-678-954-0670
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.alexbalashov.com/