We are using kamailio 1.5 and we have the following problem with ldap_search:
A call comes in. If it is to a VOIP user, it will be routed to kamailio, and eventually go to the ldap lookup route: route[10] to look up the user.
This is always successful (LDAP can connect).
It will then look up user preferences (call forwarding etc.) from SQL in route[12] and route based on this result in route[13].
If the result is "CFU (call forward unconditional) = on", the URI is changed and route[10] (LDAP lookup) is called again.
This is always successful (LDAP can connect).
If the result is "CFB (call forward busy) = on" and the user is busy, the URI is changed and route[10] (LDAP lookup) is called again.
This is also always successful (LDAP can connect).
If the result is "CFNR (call forward no reply) = on", the timeout is changed and the call is delivered to the phone through route[14] (location) and route[15] (relay).
If the user does not answer, the URI is changed in failure_route[1] and route[10] is called.
For some unknown reason, ldap_search always fails in this scenario with the messages: "ldap_session not found", "couldn't get ldap session" and then "no LDAP entry found".
And why does this result in the -1 return code and not the -2 return code for ldap_search?
The only differences I can think of is that the unsuccessful scenario comes from FAILURE_ROUTE instead of REQUEST_ROUTE, and that longer time has passed since the original invite.
Here's a sample log:
NOTE the three ERROR lines, the INFO line and the ROUTE 10 line.
Dec 27 13:31:55 [3373]: INVITE received from sip:<CALLER>@<SBC_IP> <source IP: <SBC_IP>> to sip:<CALLEE>@<KAM_IP>:
Dec 27 13:31:55 [3373]: ERROR:ldap:ldap_reconnect: [ldapprod]: LDAP reconnect successful
Dec 27 13:31:55 [3373]: ROUTE 10: LDAP returned: UID = <UID>, voipSipPrimaryUri = <PRIMARY_URI>, voipExtensionUri = sip:<CALLEE>@<DOMAIN>
Dec 27 13:31:55 [3373]: ROUTE 12: Effective user properties for UID <UID>: CFU: off <FORWARDTO>, CFB: off <FORWARDTO>, CFNR: on:25 <FORWARDTO>, CFNC: off <FORWARDTO>, VM: <CALLEE>, busy_level: 1, DBrows: 1
Dec 27 13:31:55 [3373]: -------------------- Calling sip:<CALLEE>@<DOMAIN> for 25 seconds. --------------------
Dec 27 13:31:55 [3373]: ROUTE 15: Sending 105 INVITE from sip:<CALLER>@<SBC_IP> to sip:<CALLEE>@<CALLEE_IP> (via <<null>>)
Dec 27 13:31:55 [3383]: Response 100 Trying to Cseq 102 INVITE received from <PROTO>:<CALLEE_IP>:<PORT>
Dec 27 13:31:55 [3385]: Response 180 Ringing to Cseq 102 INVITE received from <PROTO>:<CALLEE_IP>:<PORT>
Dec 27 13:32:20 [3388]: FAILURE_ROUTE 1: Timeout for: 104 INVITE from <CALLER> -> <CALLEE>
Dec 27 13:32:20 [3388]: -------------------- Forwarding on no reply to <FORWARDTO> --------------------
Dec 27 13:32:20 [3388]: ERROR:ldap:get_connected_ldap_session: [ldapprod]: ldap_session not found
Dec 27 13:32:20 [3388]: ERROR:ldap:lds_search: [ldapprod]: couldn't get ldap session
Dec 27 13:32:20 [3388]: INFO:ldap:ldap_search_impl: no LDAP entry found
Dec 27 13:32:20 [3388]: ROUTE 11: Number lookup results for <FORWARDTO>: Node: VOIP.
Dec 27 13:32:20 [3388]: CONFIG ERROR: VOIP number not found in LDAP. Hanging up.
Dec 27 13:32:20 [3373]: Response 487 Request Cancelled to Cseq 102 INVITE received from <PROTO>:<CALLEE_IP>:<PORT>
Here's the ldap config file:
ldap_server_url = "ldap://ldap.<DOMAIN>"
ldap_network_timeout = 500
ldap_client_bind_timeout = 500
kamailio config snippets (in case you need them):
# LDAP lookup for UID and primary URI
route[10] {
if ($retcode < 1) {
switch ($retcode) {
case -1:
# no LDAP entry found
case -2:
# internal error
sl_send_reply("500", "Internal server error");
$avp(s:exten) = null;
if (!ldap_result("voipExtensionUri/$avp(s:exten)")) {
xlog("L_INFO", "voipExtensionUri not found.\n");
if (!ldap_result("voipSipPrimaryUri/$avp(s:p-uri)")) {
xlog("L_WARN", "voipSipPrimaryUri not found.\n");
#exit here?
if (isflagset(1)) {
xlog("L_INFO", "ROUTE 10: LDAP returned: UID = $avp(s:uid), voipSipPrimaryUri = $avp(s:p-uri), voipExtensionUri = $avp(s:exten)\n");
if $avp(s:exten) != null {
} else {
# Number lookup. Non-VoIP URI's go here.
route[11] {
# Database lookup for call forwarding.
route[12] {
# Call forwarding logic
route[13] {
if (is_method("INVITE")) {
$avp(s:uio_timer_avp) = "300";
if ($avp(s:cfu_status) == "on") {
# Forward immediately
xlog("L_INFO", "-------------------- $rU forwarded unconditionally to $avp(s:cfu_number). --------------------\n");
$rU = $avp(s:cfu_number);
if ( $var(dlg_busy) >= $avp(s:busy_level) ) {
if ($avp(s:cfb_status) == "on") {
xlog("L_INFO", "-------------------- $rU has $var(dlg_busy) active calls. Treshold $avp(s:busy_level). Forwarding on busy to $avp(s:cfb_number) --------------------\n");
$rU = $avp(s:cfb_number);
else if ($avp(s:cfnr_status) == "on") {
# Forward to phone with timeout then to $avp(s:cfnr_number).
# t_set_fr($avp(s:cfnr_timeout) + "000"); # Recommended method in 3.1. Function does not exist in 1.5. Using old method (avp).
$avp(s:uio_timer_avp) = $avp(s:cfnr_timeout);
xlog("L_INFO", "-------------------- Calling $ru for $avp(s:uio_timer_avp) seconds. --------------------\n");
failure_route[1] {
if $avp(s:cfnr_status) == "on" {
if (isflagset(1)) {
xlog("L_INFO", "FAILURE_ROUTE 1: Timeout for: $mi $rm from $fU -> $rU\n");
$rU = $avp(s:cfnr_number);
xlog("L_INFO", "-------------------- Forwarding on no reply to $rU --------------------\n");
With kind regards,