I've recently installed a vanilla OpenSER v1.3.0 (a new install) and I'm
trying to set up permanent user locations using openserctl as I have some
devices that won't register on their own.
I am currently running without a database.
When trying to add a user using the command line "openserctl ul add 100
sip:" I get the error:
ERROR: 400; check if you use aliases in OpenSER.
Can someone please give me some pointers on what to try?
I've modified the openserctlrc as follows:
# $Id: openserctlrc,v 1.2 2006/07/05 19:37:20 miconda Exp $
# openser control tool resource file
# here you can set variables used in the openserctl
## your SIP domain
## database type: MYSQL or PGSQL, by defaulte none is loaded
## database host
# DBHOST=localhost
## database name
# DBNAME=openser
## database read/write user
# DBRWUSER=openser
## database read only user
# DBROUSER=openserro
## password for database read only user
# DBROPW=openserro
## database super user
## type of aliases used: DB - database aliases; UL - usrloc aliases
## - default: none
## control engine: FIFO or UNIXSOCK
## - default FIFO
## path to FIFO file
## check ACL names; default on (1); off (0)
## ACL names - if VERIFY_ACL is set, only the ACL names from below list
## are accepted
# ACL_GROUPS="local ld int voicemail free-pstn"
## verbose - debug purposes - default '0'
Free Phone: 0800 280 2888 Tel: +44 (0)1256 892020 Fax: +44 (0)1256 892200
Registered Office: NewVoiceMedia Ltd, Laverstoke Grange, Laverstoke,
Whitchurch, Hants, RG28 7PF
NewVoiceMedia Registered in England No: 3602868
Is it possible to put Openser + Mediaproxy behind NAT while serving
internal phones and external phones ?
Internal phone <-> Openser+MediaProxy <-> NAT <-> external phone
(maybe behind nat also)
Openser is act as a registrar in this case.
If you have successful story with this setting, please share. Thank you so much
Hi, just as curiosity I comment that there is an error (an Asterisk error in
fact) in the material of the Rome VON course of 2007:
In file "config/08-asterisk.conf" it appears:
SELECT username as name,
domain as defaultip,
domain as ipaddr,
FROM openser.subscriber;
There is a bug in case of SIP SRV domains because Asterisk doesn't perform a
SRV DNS query for the location of registerd users (just for outbound calls
if "srvlookup=yes") so if OpenSer has a SRV SIP domain "my_srv_domain.com"
but DNS type A of that domain points to a different IP then Asterisk will
fail (it will resolve to the A DNS entry).
A simple solution is to modify the view as follows:
SELECT username as name,
__OpenSer_IP__ as defaultip,
__OpenSer_IP__ as ipaddr,
FROM openser.subscriber;
Of course this is a bug in Asterisk since it should, according to RFC3261,
perform a SRV query for the location of registered users in case they are not
an IP.
Just it ;)
Iñaki Baz Castillo
Hash: SHA1
I add some private headerfields (append-hf) during main route resp.
sub-routes like "route(3)" and in certain cases I want to remove
(remove_hf) some of them in main route befor sending request out.
Unfortunately that doesn't work.
Even when I add a header field and test for it directly afterwards or
try to remove it, openser doesn't find anything. Test-Code is like this:
append_hf("P-SI: sad\r\n");
if(is_present_hf("P-SI")) xlog("L_INFO", "######## Found\n");
if(remove_hf("P-SI")) xlog("L_INFO", "######## Removed\n");
textops doc has a hint at append_hf:
Note: Headers which are added in main route cannot be removed in further
routes (e.g. failure routes). So, the idea is not to add there any
headers that you might want to remove later. To add headers temporarely
use the branch route because the changes you do there are per-branch.
Not sure if this is the reason for my problem. Is this a bug? Is there a
way to add header fields temporarely?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
OK,i see,let me try. many thx.
======= 2008-01-08 15:16:35 您在来信中写道:=======
>Alex Balashov schrieb:
>> On Tue, 8 Jan 2008, liu york wrote:
>>> I want to restrict invite when regiest unsuccessful even the invite
>>> request have right authentication. actually,i just want to only one
>>> person can call to pstn,others cant call even have sipid and
>>> password.now i has set by modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 10).but
>>> cant restrict the invite by the sipphone no need regiestion.
>> Are you authenticating INVITEs differently than you are authenticating
>> registrations? In other words, are the authentication realm and required
>> credentials different for your proxy_challenge() than they are for
>> your www_challenge() for handling REGISTER requests?
>> If they are, it seems that all you should have to do is do a lookup()
>> and see if it fails. Presumably, you are doing a save() into your
>> registrar/usrloc only on valid REGISTER challenges?
>> i.e.
>> if(is_method("INVITE")) {
>> if(!lookup("location")) {
> if(!registered("location")) {
>is sufficient
>btw: this does not give you any security
>> sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden -- REGISTER invalid.");
>> exit;
>> }
>> }
>> --
>> Alex Balashov
>> Evariste Systems
>> Web : http://www.evaristesys.com/
>> Tel : +1-678-954-0670
>> Direct : +1-678-954-0671
>> _______________________________________________
>> Users mailing list
>> Users(a)lists.openser.org
>> http://lists.openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
I want to restrict invite when regiest unsuccessful even the invite request have right authentication.
actually,i just want to only one person can call to pstn,others cant call even have sipid and password.now i has set by
modparam("registrar", "max_contacts", 10).but cant restrict the invite by the sipphone no need regiestion.
so plz help,many thx.
According to the instruction(README) of 'presence_xml', if using a integrated xcap server like OpenXCAP, the value of 'force_active' should set to 0. Then, the xcap server is queried and the subscription states is according to user defined permission rules. If no rules are defined for a certain watcher, the subscriptions remains in pending state and the Notify sent will have no body.
Is the 'user defined permission rules' mentioned above specified in RFC 5025(Presence Authorization Rules) or 'XCAP usage for setting presence authorization'? They seems different. I have tried both of them and stored xml in xcap table for a user, say alice(she allows bob to wather her pre-info). But it was not working, subscription state was still 'pending'.
Thank you!
My OpenSER works with openxcap, force_active is set to 0. The
Subscription query the "xcap" table for permission rules of specified
watcher. I create a simple xml rule which is shown below, and store it
in xcap table. But the subscription-state is still "pending". I found
another presence authorization rules that uses different statments like
<provide-services> or <transformations>. which one should I
use? Thank you!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<statement id="as8f">
The software can be downloaded from:
Changelog since 5.1.1:
cdrtool (6.1.0) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed update of billing_rates entries from csv files
* Overwrite defaults from sip_settings class per NGNPro connection
* Added contrib directory
* Added freeradius patch for freeradius cvs version from Norm
* Log progress of importing rating files
* Show rating engine daemon uptime in syslog
* Many fixes in provisioning client
* Lookup customers and rates in MySQL, there is no memory limit
* Importing rating does not lock the rating engine anymore
* Fixed billing of calls over the minimum duration
cdrtool (6.0) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed links from Group-by output to discrete CDRs
* After renormalization, re-cache the monthly usage only for the
that had CDRs changed during renormalization
* Fixed application type for rating engine (default application is
* Added info to ENUM generator
* Fixed node IP parsing in sip trace
* Fixed default login account creation
* Don't log ENUM tld in rate info if is set to none
* Added RatingProfiles management in sip settings page
* Added prepaid_cards management in Rating tables page
* Fixed name of domain table when SIP Thor data-source is enabled
* Added link in the trace window to jump to a different SIP Proxy
* Import/export delimiter for rating tables can be adjusted,
default is ,
* Must apply database structure changes from setup/mysql/
* NGNPro client completed
* Save settings before existing provisioning pages
cdrtool (5.3.3) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed ENUM tld match and logging
* Show visual ENUM usage
* Provisioning engine update
cdrtool (5.3.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed memory leak
cdrtool (5.3.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Removed reference to soapFilter which was unused
* Skip ENUM tld 'none' in discounts
* Update presence functions in provisioning client
* Fixed initalization of gatewaygroups
* Add function for showing customer text box
* Allow specification of custom port names and classes per reseller
* Fixed phplib typo that caused crash on php5
cdrtool (5.3.0) unstable; urgency=low
* Added ENUM tld based discounts in the rating engine
* Added ENUM tld management in the Rating page
* Renamed field radius.Framed-Protocol to radius.ENUMtld to
discounts based on ENUM top level domain. This functionality
changes to the database structures and reconfigure several
See doc/Upgrade.txt and setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql for more
* Removed unused SOAP directory
* Added NGNPro client provisioning library
* Added sip settings page
* Added new rights for provisioning tasks
* Change main menu item names
cdrtool (5.2.6) unstable; urgency=low
* Log in syslog the duration of reloading of the rating tables and
of the sip accounts into memcacche
cdrtool (5.2.5) unstable; urgency=low
* Replaced multiple SOAP definitions from global.inc with a pointer
to an entry from the $soapEngines defined in soap_engines.inc
* Fixed read of HTTP vars in sip trace, public traces are now visible
when global vars are turned off
cdrtool (5.2.4) unstable; urgency=low
* Skip billing_rates.trafficRate absent from csv import
* Update rating documentation
* Added link to FreeRADIUS-CDRTool by Dan-Cristian Bogos
* Fixed sip trace purging
* Fix for virtualhost allowing .htaccess customization for cdrtool
cdrtool (5.2.3) unstable; urgency=low
* Allow usernames without domain part in quota check
* Added publish of SIP domain statistics using SIP SIMPLE
cdrtool (5.2.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Added SIP trace for SIP Thor datasource
cdrtool (5.2.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Synced UPDATE queries for current and older month (in SQL stored
(you must apply changes from setup/mysql/alter_tables.mysql)
cdrtool (5.2.0) unstable; urgency=low
* Eliminate the race condition that appears when normalization
process is
performed between the time radius database is updated when a BYE
and the MediaProxy updates the same radius record.
cdrtool (5.1.9) unstable; urgency=low
* Removed print of sql query
cdrtool (5.1.8) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed saving the agreement with license page
cdrtool (5.1.7) unstable; urgency=low
* Added SOAP/XML management for LCR
* Save when the user agrees with the usage license to avoid
display the
license agreement at each login
cdrtool (5.1.6) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed calculus of historical rates when rate is found in
cdrtool (5.1.5) unstable; urgency=low
* Hide price when grouping results for login accounts without
showPrice right
cdrtool (5.1.4) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed a typo in cdrlib.phtml
cdrtool (5.1.3) unstable; urgency=low
* Fixed pagination of exported records
cdrtool (5.1.2) unstable; urgency=low
* Show status of multiple mysql clusters
Must migrate global.inc setting $CDRTool['replicated_databases']
to $CDRTool['mysql_clusters']
See setup/global.inc.in for example
hi everybody,
You can see attached my conf files for ser, ser-sems and sems.
I run two instances of ser :
1. the first on port 5060
2. the second which is the sip stack for sems, on 5070
My conf files show that when for example i call 101 or 102 , the call is
directed to sems, but the debug of my 2nd ser shows this :
2(8658) write_to_unixsock: Error in connect: Connection refused
2(8658) ERROR:tm:t_write_unix: write_to_unixsock failed
2(8658) write_to_unixsock: Error in connect: Connection refused
2(8658) ERROR:tm:t_write_unix: write_to_unixsock failed
Probably these is some kind of problem with my unix socket configuration in my
conf files...
can anyone help me ??