Ok, so I will try another setup:
2 proxies, each of them interacts with a separate mysql database.
Registrations will be replicated between the proxies using t_replicate.
I have also seen a replication parameter in serweb when adding new
contacts via the web interface and the FIFO. I found no documentation
about it, but I guess this will also replicate the new contact to
another sip proxy (don't know if its implemented yet).
So, both proxies can be used for registration and normal proxy tasks.
But how can a proxy catch up the lost REGISTER messages from the other
proxy during a "down" period?
I think, one possibility would be, that when the proxy/database is "up"
again, the database begins to mirror the complete state from the other
database, and only when this is finished, ser will be started again and
reads the current user location from the database.
Is there another, maybe simpler solution to this problem?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Janak [mailto:jan@iptel.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 1:43 PM
> To: Klaus Darilion
> Cc: serusers(a)lists.iptel.org
> Subject: Re: [Serusers] Does lookup("location") queries the
> database or the memory?
> Hello,
> On 30-07 13:39, Klaus Darilion wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I have found the db_mode option in the userloc module,
> which controls
> > updates in the location table. But how are the lookups
> handled in ser?
> >
> > If a user location will be requested by lookup("location"),
> will this query
> > the backend database or only the RAM. Is this lookup behaviour also
> > configurable (how?)?
> No, it will not query the database, only memory will be used.
> > I'm thinking about a configuration with 2 ser proxies and
> one database
> > backend. If the lookup only queries the cached location
> table, I would have
> > to froward the registrations between the two proxies via
> t_replicate. But
> > wouldn't this cause both proxies to update the database
> resulting in two
> > entries in the location table for each registration?
> Yes, this is not possible at the moment. Another database mode which
> will query the backend database when doing lookups is on
> our todo list.
> Jan.