Hello In the function ksr_tm_event_response_sent(evname), header and body modifications are not applied. **Example of modification:** KSR.textops.set_body("application/test", "teststbody") KSR.textops.remove_hf("Contact") KSR.hdr.append("X-My-Hdr: testhdrappend \r\n")
In the Kamailio logs, we can see that the changes have been processed, but the response sent does not contain the changes.
BR Juan
**Configuration kamailio.cfg** modparam("tm", "event_callback_lres_sent", "ksr_tm_event_response_sent")
**Configuration kamailio.lua** ----------------------- --Function ksr_tm_event_response_sent bug ----------------------- function ksr_tm_event_response_sent(evname) log.debug("\27[36m --> Sending reply: $rs $rr \27[0m") log.debug("\27[35m Reply sent ",evname,"\27[0m") KSR.textops.set_body("application/test", "teststbody") KSR.textops.remove_hf("Contact") KSR.hdr.append("X-My-Hdr: testhdrappend \r\n") end
**Traces debug KAMAILIO**
4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_api.c:1023]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): param[0] for: xinfo is str: 2024-10-10 10-18-10 [debug] /opt/kamailio/kamailio.lua:96: --> Sending reply: $rs $rr
4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/pvapi.c:502]: pv_spec_lookup(): PV <$rs> is not in cache 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/pvapi.c:386]: pv_cache_add(): pvar [$rs] added in cache 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/pvapi.c:502]: pv_spec_lookup(): PV <$rr> is not in cache 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/pvapi.c:386]: pv_cache_add(): pvar [$rr] added in cache 4(260) INFO: <script>: 2024-10-10 10-18-10 [debug] /opt/kamailio/kamailio.lua:96: --> Sending reply: 200 OK 4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_api.c:1023]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): param[0] for: xinfo is str: 2024-10-10 10-18-10 [debug] /opt/kamailio/kamailio.lua:97: Reply sent tm:local-response-sent
4(260) INFO: <script>: 2024-10-10 10-18-10 [debug] /opt/kamailio/kamailio.lua:97: Reply sent tm:local-response-sent 4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_api.c:1023]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): param[0] for: set_body is str: application/test 4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_api.c:1023]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): param[1] for: set_body is str: teststbody 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_hname2.c:315]: parse_sip_header_name(): parsed header name [To] type 3 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:185]: parse_to_param(): add param: tag=bb3c24ed793eec883784ff522b4e48d0 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_addr_spec.c:904]: parse_addr_spec(): end of header reached, state=29 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:172]: get_hdr_field(): <To> [61]; uri=[sip:1234@sip.osp.com] 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:174]: get_hdr_field(): to body (22)[sip:1234@sip.osp.com], to tag (32)[bb3c24ed793eec883784ff522b4e48d0] 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_hname2.c:315]: parse_sip_header_name(): parsed header name [From] type 4 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_hname2.c:315]: parse_sip_header_name(): parsed header name [CSeq] type 5 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:152]: get_hdr_field(): cseq <CSeq>: <63723> <REGISTER> 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_hname2.c:315]: parse_sip_header_name(): parsed header name [Call-ID] type 6 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_hname2.c:315]: parse_sip_header_name(): parsed header name [Content-Type] type 11 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_hname2.c:315]: parse_sip_header_name(): parsed header name [Contact] type 7 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_hname2.c:315]: parse_sip_header_name(): parsed header name [Content-Length] type 12 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:187]: get_hdr_field(): content_length=6 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/msg_parser.c:91]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header 4(260) DEBUG: textops [textops.c:2597]: ki_set_body(): new body: [application/test] 4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_api.c:1023]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): param[0] for: remove_hf is str: Contact 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/parser/parse_hname2.c:315]: parse_sip_header_name(): parsed header name [Contact] type 7 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/kemi.c:2350]: sr_kemi_hdr_remove(): remove hf: Contact 4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_api.c:1023]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): param[0] for: append is str: X-My-Hdr: testhdrappend
4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/kemi.c:2224]: sr_kemi_hdr_append(): append hf: X-My-Hdr: testhdrappend
4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_mod.c:166]: sr_kemi_config_engine_lua(): execution of route type 513 with name [ksr_tm_event_response_sent] returned 1 4(260) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:634]: _reply_light(): reply sent out - buf=0x786b611bb9e0: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via:... shmem=0x786b58ceea80: SIP/2.0 200 OK Via: 4(260) DEBUG: tm [t_funcs.c:133]: put_on_wait(): put T [0x786b58ceb770] on wait 4(260) DEBUG: tm [t_reply.c:650]: _reply_light(): finished 4(260) DEBUG: jsonrpcs [jsonrpcs_mod.c:443]: jsonrpc_send_mode(): sending response with body: (nil) - 200 OK 4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_api.c:1023]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): param[0] for: xinfo is str: 2024-10-10 10-18-10 [debug] /opt/kamailio/kamailio.lua:36: ksr_request_route: 23.11 ms
4(260) INFO: <script>: 2024-10-10 10-18-10 [debug] /opt/kamailio/kamailio.lua:36: ksr_request_route: 23.11 ms 4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_mod.c:169]: sr_kemi_config_engine_lua(): execution of route type 1 with no name returned 1 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:531]: receive_msg(): request-route executed in: 23343 usec 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:654]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:654]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:654]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:654]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:654]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/usr_avp.c:654]: destroy_avp_list(): destroying list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:630]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:630]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/xavp.c:630]: xavp_destroy_list(): destroying xavp list (nil) 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/receive.c:635]: receive_msg(): cleaning up 18(274) DEBUG: tm [timer.c:642]: wait_handler(): finished transaction: 0x786b58ce81a0 (p:0x786b58baa3c0/n:0x786b58baa3c0) 18(274) DEBUG: tm [h_table.c:133]: free_cell_helper(): freeing transaction 0x786b58ce81a0 from timer.c:651 18(274) DEBUG: tm [timer.c:642]: wait_handler(): finished transaction: 0x786b58ceb770 (p:0x786b58b729c0/n:0x786b58b729c0) 18(274) DEBUG: tm [h_table.c:133]: free_cell_helper(): freeing transaction 0x786b58ceb770 from timer.c:651
Perhaps, "header and body modifications"only methods such as invite are supported and not 200 OK Responses.
The documentation indicates that the function: KSR.hdr.append(...) applies to request and reply. https://kamailio.org/docs/tutorials/devel/kamailio-kemi-framework/core/#ksrh... KSR.hdr.append(...) int KSR.hdr.append(str "hdrval") Append header to current SIP message (**request or reply**). It will be added after the last header.
And in the trace, the function was processed. 4(260) DEBUG: app_lua [app_lua_api.c:1023]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): param[0] for: append is str: X-My-Hdr: testhdrappend 4(260) DEBUG: <core> [core/kemi.c:2224]: **sr_kemi_hdr_append(): append hf: X-My-Hdr: testhdrappend**
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Hello Is it possible not to close it?
This issue is stale because it has been open 6 weeks with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 2 weeks.
Maybe the documentation is not correct, as there is also a hdr.append_to_reply function. Give this a try and report back.
github-actions[bot] left a comment (kamailio/kamailio#3997)
This issue is stale because it has been open 6 weeks with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 2 weeks.