Module: kamailio
Branch: master
Commit: a1a32a927203c8897c577618bb03ab543b5e71f9
Author: Kamailio Dev <>
Committer: Kamailio Dev <>
Date: 2019-09-27T18:31:50+02:00
modules: readme files regenerated - dialog ... [skip ci]
Modified: src/modules/dialog/README
diff --git a/src/modules/dialog/README b/src/modules/dialog/README
index 8f3f36a9c8..33b7d8cad6 100644
--- a/src/modules/dialog/README
+++ b/src/modules/dialog/README
@@ -1389,10 +1389,11 @@ modparam("dialog", "h_id_start", 5)
selected at startup, then incremented by 1 for each new dialog. Setting
h_id_start and h_id_step to non-default values should be done when
using dlg_db_load_callid(...) or dlg_db_load_extra() to load dialog
- records generated by another Kamailio instance, making also sure that
- those Kamailio nstances are not going to generate overalapping dialog
- hash id values by using different h_id_start and the same h_id_step
- (h_id_step has to be greater than the maximum value of h_id_start).
+ records generated by another Kamailio instance. Pay attention to ensure
+ that those Kamailio instances are not going to generate overlapping
+ dialog hash id values by using different h_id_start and the same
+ h_id_step (h_id_step has to be greater than the maximum value of
+ h_id_start).
Default value is “1”.